
歌词:Screeching Weasel. Emo. Regroup.

if you look at the world with an objective eye then it's obvious that things have gone all wrong in the world and you can't help but ask yourself is there anything that i can do to ease the suffering and pain or will my voice get drowned out by all the noice made by those who would profit by the peddling of comfortability (read: apathy) they paint pictures by numbers of a desperate lunatic and so i know i must regroup and learn to live the owrd i speak so easily it's up to me it's up to me to clean up my own backyard to change myself no matter how hard i resist my own morality it's up to me to set examples for myself and walk a path leaving the footsteps there as some kind of primitive map for you to clearly see not as a template but as a simple that you don't have to be true to the ways that you were always taught were right and the only way and you're not insane if you stop to take a look the world will wait until you see more clearly it's up to me it's up to me to see what's in front of my with as little prejudice and greed as i can manage right now it's up to me to believe my eyes and not the iridescent lies for sale the ones easier to believe up to me it is