
歌词:Shield. Build Me Up Melt Me Down. Figures.

Expectations keeps trailing your broken "me"
to another "sensation", building up a curtain
around emptiness, founded on lie after lie
not protection from their looks & laughs,
only to glorify yourself
but somewhere inside there you forgot yourself
somewhere inside this hollow figure i forgot myself
dejected i walk...empty
wrapped up in my...disguise
are you brave enough to let go of your disguise?
do i dare to rip down the curtain i've wrapped around me?
a tear falling from the bring of your (my) heart,
rips theough this elaborate, disfigured creation
stripped by every thread of your (my) "security"
they laugh at you (me)
dejected i walk...empty
wrapped up in my...disguise
i am a fool...believing i...was someone else...than myself
maybe i was...
am i brave enough to let go of my disguise?
do you dare? do i dare, to let go, of my disguise?