
歌词:Spocks Beard. X. Jaws Of Heaven.

Weary I was walking
A disassembled man
I wandered through creation
A ghost upon the land

Cloaked in threads of all my lifetimes
Deep-stitched into bone
Like a tapestry of shadows
Acid-etched in stone

Longing to remember
The day I left the pyre
And rose up like a phoenix
From a far-off ancient fire

Now I'm homesick for the ashes
Of the world I've known
On a path toward perdition
That I'll walk alone

Cold night in a quiet town
I found a crowd and stood back as it grew
Echoes of a place in time
When a million voices rose anew

Words of war spread faster than a prairie fire
Through the jaws of heaven here we go

From on high the chosen told
Tales of old the faithful chose to hear
Wake up all your sleeping souls
Gather up your guns the end is near

Words of war spread faster than a prairie fire
Through the jaws of heaven here we go

Marching onto glory in a battle just
Staring down the devil eye to eye
Riding on a pale horse to deliver us
Down into the darkest by and by

I awoke this morning
A lifetime come and gone
The ending of a journey
My destiny at dawn

Yesterday behind me
There is only now
Every circle that was closing
Is opening somehow
And it's clear to see the reasons
Are woven deep in the wondering

Something left to live for
Nothing left to prove
Fallen saints and angels
Watch our every move

Shallow ran the river
That kept our worlds apart
As we fought to feed the hunger
In the hollows of our hearts
Now it's clear to me the reasons
Are woven deep in the wondering

The rain's return reveals a future
A gathering of souls
Once barren fields now green surrounds us
Our dreams of home are whole again
We're whole again

Yesterday behind me
There is only now
Every circle that was closing
Is opening somehow
And it's clear to see the reasons
Are woven deep in the wondering