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Canonic Sonatas. Georg Philipp Telemann. Bass Clarinet sheet music.译文
法服奏鸣曲. 格奥尔格菲. 低音单簧管乐谱.原文
Canonic Sonatas composed by Georg Philipp Telemann. 1681-1767. Arranged by Michael & Kimberly Davenport. For clarinet. bass clarinet duet. Classical. baroque period. Duo score. 33 pages. Published by Alea Publishing. A7.ALEA1059. Georg Philip Telemann. 1681-1767. was one of the more prolific composers of the baroque era, and was known especially for his skills as a contrapuntalist. A perfect example is this charming set of six duo sonatas, each movement a perfect canon. The Six Canonic Sonatas were composed for flute or violin duo. This transcription offers clarinetists and bass clarinetists an excellent set of baroque pieces for performance or study. Because of the range of the original, the duos are equally effective for clarinet duet or bass clarinet duet, and do not require use of the lowest or highest ranges of either instrument. The original keys and range have been maintained throughout.译文
由格奥尔格·菲利普·泰勒曼组成法服奏鸣曲. 1681年至1767年. 由迈克尔·编曲. 对于单簧管. 低音单簧管二重奏. 古典. 巴洛克时期. 二人得分. 33页. 公布的Alea出版. A7.ALEA1059. 格奥尔格·菲利普·泰勒曼. 1681年至1767年. 是巴罗克时代的多产作曲家之一,并被称为特别是对他的技能作为contrapuntalist. 一个很好的例子就是这个迷人组六朵奏鸣曲,每一个动作完美佳能. 六法服奏鸣曲组成了长笛和小提琴二重奏. 这种转录提供单簧管和低音单簧管的一套优秀的巴洛克作品的表演或学习. 因为原来的范围,该二重奏同样有效单簧管二重奏或低音单簧管二重奏,并且不需要使用任何工具的最低或最高范围. 原来的钥匙和范围一直保持在整个.流行的搜索请求