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Band Expressionsâ„, Book One. Student Edition. Robert W. Smith. Flute sheet music.
带Expressionsâ“,第一册. 学生版. 罗伯特·W·史密斯. 长笛乐谱.
Band Expressionsâ„, Book One. Student Edition composed by Robert W. Smith and Michael Story. Concert Band. For Flute. This edition. Texas Edition. Concert Band Method. Method. Instruction. SmartMusic. Expressions Music Curriculumâ„. Book & CD. 56 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.MCB1002CDX. ISBN 0757940404. Band Expressionsâ„ is a full-band curriculum that provides music educators at all levels with easy-to-use, exciting tools to meet daily classroom challenges and bring new vibrancy and depth to teaching music. The lessons were written based on the National Standards for Music Education -- not retrofitted to the Standards. The program is both music literacy-based and literacy driven -- based on music literacy while satisfying reading and writing mandates in band class. Each student book features an attractive full-color interior with easy-to-read notes and includes. -A 96-track accompaniment CD that spans exercises throughout the book. -Historical notes on some of the most notable composers of band music. -A thorough glossary of musical terms. -An introductory unit focused on instrument care, correct posture, and hand positioning. Future reprints may be printed with black and white interiors. This title is available in SmartMusic. 's Wonderful. Anchors Aweigh. Augie's Great Municiple Band. Bang the Drum All Day. Batman Theme. Catch A Falling Star. Celebration. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Doo Wah Diddy Diddy. Duke's Place AKA C Jam Blues. Feliz Navidad. Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue. Happy Birthday To You. The Hey Song. I Got Rhythm. It Don't Mean A Thing. Jingle Bell Rock. Jingle Bells. Kookaburra Sits In The Old Gum Tree. Matchmaker. The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down. Na Na Hey Hey. Kiss Him Goodbye. Over There. Over The Rainbow. Rhapsody in Blue. Royal Fireworks Music. Satin Doll. Instrumental. Scooby-Doo, Where Are You. Summertime. Sunrise, Sunset. The Chicken Dance. Theme from Ice Castles. Theme From Jaws. There's No One Exactly Like Me. Winter Wonderland. Wipe Out. Woodchopper's Ball. Woodchopper's Ball. C Version.
带Expressionsâ“,第一册. 学生版由罗伯特·W·史密斯和迈克尔的故事组成. 音乐会乐队. 长笛. 此版本. 德州版. 音乐会乐队方法. 方法. 指令. SmartMusic. 表达式音乐Curriculumâ“. 书. 发布时间由阿尔弗雷德音乐. AP.MCB1002CDX. ISBN 0757940404. 带Expressionsâ“是一款全频段的课程,提供音乐教育工作者与各级易于使用,令人兴奋的工具,以满足日常课堂的挑战和带来新的活力,并深入到音乐教学. 该课程是基于对音乐教育的国家标准编写的 - 不改装的标准. 该方案既音乐素养为基础,识字驱动 - 基于音乐素养,而在带类满足阅读和写作任务. 每名学生的书设有易于阅读笔记一个有吸引力的全彩色内饰,包括. -A 96轨道伴奏CD跨越贯穿全书习题. 一些乐队音乐的最显着的作曲家,历史笔记. 音乐方面,一个彻底的词汇. - 一个介绍单元集中在仪器护理,正确的姿势,手和定位. 未来重印可印有黑色和白色内饰. 这个称号可在SmartMusic. 太好了. 起锚. 奥吉的大Municiple乐队. 一声鼓全日. 蝙蝠侠主题. 抓住一个流火. 庆典. 飞天万能车. 杜华老爹老爹. 杜克大学的广场又名Ç果酱蓝调. 圣诞节快乐. 五英尺二,蓝色的眼睛. 祝你生日快乐. 该黑松. 我得到了节奏. 这并不意味着一件事. 叮铃铃摇滚. 铃儿响叮当. 笑翠鸟坐在老胶树. 媒人. 在旋转木马轮抛锚. 娜娜嘿嘿. 亲吻他再见. 那边. 跨越彩虹. 蓝色狂想曲. 皇家烟火音乐. 绸缎娃娃. 仪器的. 史酷比,你在哪里. 夏令. 日出,日落. 鸡起舞. 从冰城堡主题. 主题从大白鲨. 有没有人跟我一样. 冬季仙境. 消灭. 樵夫的球. 樵夫的球. C版本.