
活页乐谱 $14.95


Songs of the Trail. Various. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music.


开拓者之歌. 各个. 声音的乐谱. 吉他乐谱.


Songs of the Trail composed by Various. Arranged by Ron Middlebrook. For Guitar, Vocal. Vocal. 112 pages. Published by Centerstream Publications. HL.152. ISBN 0931759676. 9x12 inches. Compiled by Ron Middlebrook. Cowboys have always held a special place in the hearts and imaginations of Americans. Images of riding bravely and happily into the sunset, fending off dangerous enemies, and singing around the campfire evoke a sense of pride and respect for a lifestyle nearly forgotten in this age of progress. Relive the days of the cowboys bringing the herds home in this interesting compilation of facts and music. 53 songs celebrate the life and times on the range by such noted writers as Doc Denning, Chris LeDoux, Rusty Richards, Roy Rogers Jr., and others. Their music is an actual view into their daily adventures, tribulations and entertainment. This unique publication also features articles on black cowboys, cowgirls, cowboys' Spanish ancestry, and more. Adios Muchachos. Hard Times Come Again No More. Pecos Bill. Mail Order Bride. Denning D. Sentimental Trails. Denning D. Mountain Dunes. Elman P. Saga Of Diamondfield Jack. Fara. Sedona Serenade. Fara F. Tips For Stage Travelers. Fara. Gypsy Cowboy Band. Fleming M. Sangre De Christo. Fleming M. Last Cattle Drive. Fleming. Bourne. Great American Cowboy. Hannah J. There's Smthing That Cowboy Know. Song For New Mexico. Hobbs J. Cowboy's Got To Ride. Ledoux C. Yellow Stud. Ledoux C. Call Of The Rollin Plains. Parker. Trail Dust. Parker A. Blue Bonnet Lady. Paul W. Cowboy Song. Paul W. So Long Saddle Pals. Paul W. Ghost Of Serrano Ridge. Richards. Stampede. Richards R. Texas Girl. Richards R. King Of The Cowboys. Rogers R. Man Walk Among Us. Robbins M. Saddle Tramp. Robbins M. Idaho Winds. Sites E. Trailin Back To Old Mexico. Sites. Ballad Of Dawson Legate. Steagail. For Freckles Brown. Steagail R. Cowboy Buckaroo. Williams M. A Cow Pony Friend. Clark. Thorp. The Cowboy's Christmas Ball. The Cowboy's Meditation. Cowboy's New Year's Dance. I Can't Ride Tony Tonight. Last Long Trail. Make Me A Cowboy Again. Haley J. Rodeo Days. Clark. Barker. Round-Up Day In Arizona. Hersher. The Stutterin' Cowboy. Twilight On The Trail. The Wyoming Nester. A Cowboy's Life. Sizemore A. I'd Like To Be In Texas. Clark K. Little Joe The Wrangler. Thorp N. The Yellow Rose of Texas. Last Cowboy, The. Elman P.


开拓者的歌曲组成的各种. 由Ron米德尔安排. 对于吉他,声乐. 声音的. 112页. 出版Centerstream出版物. HL.152. 国际标准书号0931759676. 9X12英寸. 由Ron米德尔编译. 牛仔一直关押在美国人心中和想象一个特殊的地方. 骑勇敢,并愉快地到日落,抵御危险的敌人,并演唱围着篝火唤起自豪感和尊重感的生活方式,在这个年龄段的进度几乎被遗忘的图片. 重温使牛群的家在这个有趣的事实和音乐的编制牛仔的日子. 53首歌曲庆祝生命和时间的范围内,例如指出作家文件丹宁,克里斯·勒杜,生锈的理查兹,罗伊·罗杰斯小,和其他人. 他们的音乐是一个实际的观点融入日常的冒险,磨难和娱乐. 这种独特的出版物还配备文​​章,黑色牛仔,女牛仔,牛仔的西班牙血统,更. 一路平安Muchachos. 艰难时世何日君再来没有更多. 佩科斯比尔. 邮购新娘. 丹宁ð. 青涩路线. 丹宁ð. 山沙丘. 艾尔曼P. 佐贺的Diamondfield杰克. 法拉. 塞多纳小夜曲. 法拉F. 提示对于旅客阶段. 法拉. 吉普赛牛仔乐队. 弗莱明M. 桑里代克里斯托. 弗莱明M. 最后牛机. 弗莱明. 畛域. 伟大的美国牛仔. 汉娜Ĵ. 还有的Smthing那牛郎知道. 乐曲新墨西哥州. 霍布斯Ĵ. 牛仔达人骑. 勒杜Ç. 黄色梭哈. 勒杜Ç. 调用的罗林平原. 帕克. 特雷尔达. 帕克. 蓝博内夫人. 保瓦. 牛仔歌. 保瓦. 所以龙鞍帕尔斯. 保瓦. 鬼塞拉诺岭. 理查兹. 牛仔. 理查兹ř. 德州女孩. 理查兹ř. 王牛仔的. 罗杰斯ř. 人生活在我们中间. 罗宾斯M. 鞍流浪汉. 罗宾斯M. 爱达荷州风. 网站Ë. Trailin返回旧墨西哥. 网站. 谣道森使节. Steagail. 对于雀斑布朗. Steagailř. 牛仔BUCKAROO. 威廉姆斯M. 一头牛小马朋友. 克拉克. 索普. 牛仔的圣诞球. 牛郎的沉思. 牛仔的新年舞蹈. 我不能骑托尼今晚. 最后长径. 让我一个再次牛仔. 海利Ĵ. 圈地天. 克拉克. 巴克. 圆了日在亚利桑那州. Hersher. 该Stutterin'牛仔. 暮光之城的线索. 怀俄明内斯特. 牛仔的生活. 西斯摩尔一个. 我想成为在得克萨斯州. 克拉克Ķ. 小乔的牧马人. 索普Ñ. 德州黄玫瑰. 最后牛仔,该. 艾尔曼P.