活页乐谱 $11.99
A Family Album of Favorite Nursery Songs. Roger Edison. Piano Solo sheet music. Beginning.译文
最喜欢的儿歌的家庭相册. 罗杰·爱迪生. 钢琴独奏乐谱. 开始.原文
A Family Album of Favorite Nursery Songs arranged by Roger Edison. For Piano. Piano Collection. Piano Supplemental. Children. Family. Group. Elementary. Late Elementary. Book. 80 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.6051. ISBN 0739007882. Children. Family. Group. A generous collection of 78 of the best-loved nursery songs for easy piano by nationally known arranger Roger Edison. Each song is complete with lyrics, chord symbols, fingering and phrasing. Many have charming illustrations by children's artist Mara. The songs range from traditional nursery rhymes, finger play songs, folk songs, rounds and more. The most complete and fun-to-play collection of nursery songs to come out in many years. A-Tisket, A-Tasket. Ain't Gonna Rain. Baby Bunting. Bingo. Cradlesong. Ding, Dong, Bell. EENSY, WEENSY SPIDER. Fiddle-Dee-Dee. FrÃre Jaques. Georgie Porgie. Go In And Out The Window. Golden Slumbers. Good Night, Ladies. Goosey Goosey Gander. Happy Birthday To You. Here We Go Looby Loo. Hey, Diddle Diddle. Hickory, Dickory, Dock. Hot Cross Buns. Humpty Dumpty. Hush, Little Baby. I Love Little Kitty. I'm A Little Cookie. It's Raining, It's Pouring. Jack And Jill. Jig Along Home. Jingle Bells. Lazy Mary, Will You Get Up. Little Bo-Peep. Little Boy Blue. Little Jack Horner. Little Miss Muffet. Little Tommy Tucker. London Bridge. Lucy Locket. Mail Myself To You. Mary Had A Little Lamb. Mary Wore Her Red Dress. Mistress Mary, Quite Contrary. My Darling Clementine. Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. Oh. Susanna. Oh, Pretty Polly. Old King Cole. Old MacDonald. On Top of Old Smoky. Pat-A-Cake. Pease Porridge Hot. Pick a Bale o' Cotton. Polly-Wolly-Doodle. Pooly Put the Kettle On. Pop. Goes the Weasel. Pussycat, Pussycat. Ride a Cockhorse. Ring Around a Rosy. Rock-A-Bye Baby. Row, Row, Row Your Boat. See-Saw, Margery Daw. She'll Be Comin' 'Round The Mountain. Shortnin' Bread. Sing A Song Of Sixpence. Skip to My Lou. The Alphabet Song. The Farmer in the Dell. The Monkey's Wedding. The More We Get Together. The Mulberry Bush. There Was An Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe. This Old Man. Three Blind Mice. Three Little Kittens. To Market, To Market. Tom, Tom, The Piper's Son. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. Where Has My Little Dog Gone. Where Is Thumbkin. Yankee Doodle.译文
最喜欢的儿歌的家庭相册安排罗杰·爱迪生. 钢琴. 钢琴收藏. 补充计划. 孩子. 家庭. 组. 初级. 后期小学. 书. 80页. 发布时间由阿尔弗雷德音乐. AP.6051. 国际标准书号0739007882. 孩子. 家庭. 组. 中的最喜爱的儿歌,便于钢琴78丰盛的集合由全国知名编曲家罗杰·爱迪生. 每一首歌都配有歌词,和弦符号,指法和节奏. 许多拥有迷人的插图由儿童艺术家马拉. 这些歌曲的范围从传统的童谣,手指播放歌曲,民歌,弹多. 最完整,最富有趣味性的游戏收集童谣出来多年. A-Tisket,A Tasket. 是不是要去雨. 婴儿鹀. 宾果. 摇篮曲. 丁冬,贝尔. EENSY,WEENSY蜘蛛. 小提琴 - 迪 - 迪. FrÃre贾克斯. 乔吉Porgie. 进出的窗口. 金黄微睡. 晚安,女士们. 鹅鹅甘德. 祝你生日快乐. 在这里,我们去噜比噜. 嘿,骗取骗取. 山核桃,Dickory,码头. 热十字面包. 矮胖. 嘘,小宝贝. 我爱小猫咪. 我是一个小饼干. 下雨了,这是浇注. 杰克和吉尔. 夹具沿首页. 铃儿响叮当. 懒惰的玛丽,请问你起床. 小博窥视. 小男孩蓝色. 小杰克·霍纳. 小玛菲特小姐. 小汤塔克. 伦敦桥. 露西小盒. 邮寄自己给你. 玛丽有只小羊羔. 玛丽戴着红色礼服. 玛丽小姐,完全相反. 侠骨柔情. 现在我躺下睡觉. 哦. 苏珊娜. 哦,漂亮波莉. 老国王科尔. 老麦克唐纳. 在上面旧的黑烟. PAT-A-蛋糕. 皮斯粥热. Pick a Bale o' Cotton. 波莉-Wolly - 涂鸦. Pooly把水壶开. 流行的. 走了鼬鼠. 猫咪,猫咪. 骑专用木马. 环围绕一个玫瑰. 摇滚-A-再见宝贝. 行,行,行你的船. 跷跷板,马哲昂. 她会今儿“,”圆山. Shortnin“面包. 唱的一首歌六便士. 跳转到我的楼. 字母歌. 农民在戴尔. 猴子的婚礼. 越是同在一起. 桑布什. 有一个老妇人住在一个擦鞋. 这老头. 三盲鼠. 三只小猫. 走向市场,走向市场. 汤姆,汤姆,吹笛者的儿子. 一闪一闪小星星. 哪里有我的小狗飘. 凡大拇指你是. 扬基歌.流行的搜索请求