
活页乐谱 $10.95


Creating God. David Haas. Organ sheet music. Piano sheet music.


上帝创造. 大卫·哈斯. 管风琴乐谱. 钢琴乐谱.


Creating God composed by David Haas. For various voicings, keyboard. Includes guitar chord names. Sacred. Collection. 80 pages. Published by GIA Publications. GI.G-3333. You are going to love this collection of music for Eucharist. Contents include "Song of the Body of Christ," a delightful communion song based on an ancient Hawaiian chant. with both English and Spanish texts. , "I Want to Call You," perfect for RCIA, "The Lord Upholds My Life," an ostinato setting of Psalm 54, "Come to Me," drawn from one of the Scripture's most beloved texts, and "Mass of Light," a marvelous setting of music for Eucharist. Three additional songs complete the collection. "Mass of Light" represents some of David's best writing to date. In addition to a complete setting of the Ordinary, you'll find a lovely musical setting of Eucharistic Prayer IV and, best of all, the Gospel Acclamation. including one for Lent. comes complete with settings of more than 45 Gospel verses from the Lectionary, makeing this collection an indispensable resource for cantors. Song of the Body of Christ. Canci—n del Cuerpo de Cristo. Hear, O Israel. The Lord Upholds My Life. Come To Me. They Who Do Justice. Creating God. Kyrie Eleison. Glory to God in the Highest. Gospel Acclamation. Lenten Gospel Acclamation. Glory to you, O Word of God, Lord Jesus Christ. Holy, Holy, Holy. Dying You Destroyed Our Death. Doxology. Amen. Lamb Of God. I Want to Call You.


上帝创造大卫哈斯组成. 对于不同的声部,键盘. 包括吉他和弦名称. 神圣. 集. 80页. 发布时间为GIA出版物. GI.G-3333. 你一定会喜欢音乐的这个集合的圣餐. 内容包括“宋基督的身体,”基于一个古老的夏威夷呗一个愉快的共融歌曲. 用英语和西班牙语文本. ,“我想给你打电话,”完美的慕道,“主禀承我的生活,”诗篇54的固定音型的设置,“到我这里来,”从圣经的最心爱的文本之一绘制质量轻,而“音乐的圣餐“一个了不起的设置. 三个额外的歌曲完成集合. “质量之光”代表了迄今为止大卫的最好的写作. 除了普通的一个完整的设置,你会发现感恩经第四个可爱的音乐设置和,最重要的是,福音鼓掌. 包括一个用于斋. 来完全与从Lectionary超过45福音经文设置,makeing这个集合领唱不可或缺的资源. 基督的身体之歌. 宋-N基督的身体. 听,以色列啊. 主主张维护我的生活. 到我这里来. 他们是谁做法官. 上帝创造. 凯里Eleison. 荣耀归于上帝在最高. 福音鼓掌. 四旬期福音鼓掌. 荣耀归于你,上帝,主耶稣基督的O字. 圣哉,圣哉,圣. 面临死亡,你摧毁了我们的死亡. 颂歌. 阿门. 羔羊的上帝. 我想打电话给你.