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Prelude No. 21 in Bb Major from 24 Preludes. Piano Solo sheet music. Intermediate.译文
从前奏曲二十四首前奏曲21号降B大. 钢琴独奏乐谱. 中间.原文
Prelude No. 21 in Bb Major from 24 Preludes composed by Michael Bomier. For Piano, Piano Solo. 21st Century, Repertoire, Secular. Intermediate. Michael Bomier #GE24P21. Published by Michael Bomier. S0.4814. " A Minimalist piece, using a constant 16th note figure in the R.H. as the L.H. plays low in the bass clef and high in the treble, on beats One and Three. Two alternate fingerings are provided for the R.H. part, so that the player can vary it to avoid fatigue. Each repetition should have a change of the sustain pedal. The ""tune"" marches up and down the Bb major scale, with a chromatic F# providing ""minimal"" contrast in the middle of the piece. Each new melody tone is introduced along with the preceding one, as a dyad,and then the leading note plays alone, followed by the next new dyad, except for the lone ""color-tone"" F#, which is presented by itself. It concludes with a ""coda"" that has the upper L.H. note staying on F, whilst the lower one proceeds down to Bb, and ""One Note Beyond"", to A. Each measure is repeated three times. Approx. duration 3 mins 15-30 secs. Typical Minimalist features, and Counting each measure's repetitions is essential. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere. Just purchase, print and play. View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. With Digital Print, you can print your digital sheet music immediately after purchase, or wait until its convenient. And our software installation is easy - we'll guide you through the simple steps to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR and the Sheet Music Plus AIR application.译文
前奏曲24首前奏曲迈克尔Bomier组成的第21号降B大. 对于钢琴,钢琴独奏. 21世纪,剧目,世俗. 中间. Майкл Bomier. S0.4814. “最简片,采用在相对湿度恒定的16分音符的数字为左起着低,低音谱号和高的高音,节奏上的一和三. 提供对于RH第二部分替代指法,让玩家可以改变它,以避免疲劳. 每次重复应有的延音踏板的变化. "" Настроить "" марши вверх и вниз по мажорной гамме Bb, с хроматической F. Каждый новый мелодия тон вводится вместе с предыдущей, как диады, а затем ведущим записка играет в одиночку, а затем следующей новой диаде, для одинокого "" цвет-тон ", за исключением" F. 它总结了一个“”尾声“,”具有上部左记住上女下,而较低的一个收益降至BB了,“”一注“跨越”,以A.每个测量重复三次. 约. 持续时间3分钟15-30秒. 极简主义的典型特征,并计数每小节的重复是必要的. 数码打印是打印乐谱可随时随地. 刚刚购买,打印和播放. 查看您的在线乐谱在家庭,学校,工作或任何地方您有连接到Internet的计算机. 使用我们的iPad应用程序,以在路途中欣赏您的数字乐谱. 随着数码打印,你可以购买后立即打印您的数字乐谱,或者等到它的方便. 而我们的软件的安装是很容易 - 我们将引导您通过简单的步骤,以确保你有安装Adobe Flash Player,Adobe AIR和本乐谱加AIR应用程序.流行的搜索请求