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30 More Bach Chorales for Sight-Singing and Performance. Johann Sebastian Bach. Choir sheet music.


30更多巴赫赞美诗的视唱和性能. 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫. 合唱乐谱.


30 More Bach Chorales for Sight-Singing and Performance composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. 1685-1750. Edited by John Leavitt. For Choral. SATB. Methodology Chorals. 88 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.8748809. As a follow-up to his popular 31 Bach Chorales for Sight-Singing and Performance. HL 08743236. , here is a collection of 30 more. Each chorale includes English and German texts along with pedagogical suggestions to help your singers build skills and develop musical literacy. A great tool for school, church and community groups. For chorale titles, click on “songlist”. O Wondrous Love. All Glory Be To God On High. 'Come, Follow Me,' The Savior Spake. Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now. How Bright Appears The Morning Star. Abide, O Dearest Jesus. Awaken, Lord, Our Spirit. Draw Us To Thee. For the Baptist's Voice Is Crying. Good Christian Friends Rejoice. He Brings the Year of Jubilee. If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee. In Peace And Joy I Now Depart. Jesus Christ My Sure Defense. Jesus I Will Never Leave. Jesus, Who Didst Ever Guide Me. Lord, Keep Us Steadfast In Your Word. Now Pray We To God The Holy Ghost. O Lamb Of God, Pure And Holy. Our Father, Thou In Heav'n Above. Rise, My Soul To Watch And Pray. Salvation Unto Us Has Come. Savior Of The Nations, Come. What Is The World To Me. Whate'er May Vex Or Grieve Thee. Where'er I Go, What'ever My Task. Lord Jesus Christ, My Life, My Light. Once I Loved From Thee To Wander. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty. Wake, Awake, For Night Is Flying.


30更多的巴赫赞美诗的视唱和性能由约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫的. 1685-1750. 由约翰·莱维特编辑. 对于合唱. SATB. 方法Chorals. 88页. 出版哈尔伦纳德. HL.8748809. 作为后续行动,他普遍的31巴赫赞美诗的视唱和性能. HL 08743236. ,这里是30个集合. 每一个合唱团,包括英语和随着教学建议,德语文本来帮助你的歌手培养技能和发展音乐素养. 学校,教会和社区团体的绝佳工具. 对于诗歌的标题,点击“的SongList”. Ø魔幻爱情. 所有荣耀归于上帝,位于高. “来吧,跟着我,'救世主斯佩克. 主耶稣基督,活在当下现在. 怎么会出现明亮的晨星. 遵守,O亲爱的耶稣. 觉醒,主啊,我们的精神. 画出我们来问你. 对于浸信会的声音哭泣. 好的基督徒朋友飘柔. 他带来禧年. 如果你但苦于神引导你. 在平安和喜乐我现在出发. 耶稣基督我当然防御. 耶稣我永远不会离开. 耶稣,惊扰曾经引导我. 主啊,让我们坚定你的话. 现在,我们祷告向上帝圣灵. 羔羊的上帝,纯洁和神圣. 我们的父亲,你在孩童时代以上. 涨,我的灵魂要儆醒祷告. 救恩,直到我们已经到来. 救主的国家,来. 什么是我的世界. Whate'er可能VEX还是伤心祢. Where'er我去,What'ever我的任务. 主耶稣,我的生活,我的光. 有一次,我爱的是从你向漂移. 赞美耶和华,全能. 醒,醒,对于夜间飞行.