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Music in Me - Hymns & Holidays Level 5. Carol Tornquist. Piano Method sheet music. Piano Solo sheet music. Beginning.


音乐在我的 - 圣诗. 卡罗尔托恩基斯特. 钢琴方法乐谱. 钢琴独奏乐谱. 开始.


Music in Me - Hymns & Holidays Level 5. Music in Me - A Piano Method for Young Christian Students. For Piano. Sacred Folio. Early Elementary. Softcover. 32 pages. Word Music #080689420382. Published by Word Music. HL.309938. ISBN 1423449533. 9x12 inches. There is music inside all of us, especially children. That's how God created them, and so making music comes naturally to them. Teaching children to make their own music on a keyboard. and to find joy in it. is what Music in Me is all about. Each book in this unique series is designed to help them understand both musical and Biblical concepts at the same time. Early exposure to music theory – especially harmony and ear training – plus an understanding of how music “works” will provide today's children with a strong foundation for becoming tomorrow's church musicians. Music in Me includes five levels, and each level includes five coordinating student books. Lesson. Reading Music. Theory & Technique. Understanding Music. Creativity. Writing Your Own Music. Praise & Worship. Solos to Play. and Hymns & Holidays. Solos to Play. What Child Is This. Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today. Lyra Davidica. Morning has Broken. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. Luther. All Hail the Power of Jesus Name. O Holden. Now Thank We All Our God. J Cruger. Sing We Now of Christmas. O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus. S. Francis. T. Williams. God of Our Fathers. G Warren. All Glory, Laud and Honor. M Teschner. Battle Hymn Of The Republic. O Holy Night. John Dwight. Adolphe Adam. Go Tell It On the Mountain.


音乐在我的 - 圣诗. 音乐在我 - 青年基督徒学生钢琴方法. 钢琴. 神圣的开本. 早期的小学. 简装. 32页. Слово Музыка. 发布时间由Word音乐. HL.309938. 国际标准书号1423449533. 9X12英寸. 有音乐里面我们所有的人,特别是儿童. 这就是上帝如何创造了他们,所以做音乐是自然给他们. 教孩子做自己的音乐在键盘上. 并从中找到了快乐的它. 是什么音乐在我是所有关于. 在这个独特的系列的每本书的目的是帮助他们的同时了解双方的音乐和圣经的概念. 早期接触音乐理论 - 尤其是和谐与练耳 - 怎么加音乐的理解“工程”将为现在的孩子具有较强的基础,成为明天的教堂音乐家. 音乐在我里面包括五个级别,每个级别包括五个协调学生的书籍. 教训. 读书乐. 理论. 认识音乐. 创造力. 编写你自己的音乐. 赞美. 独奏演奏. 和赞美诗. 独奏演奏. 什么孩子是这. 来吧,你期待已久的耶稣. 主基督复活了今天. 天琴座Davidica. 天亮了. 坚强的堡垒是我们的上帝. 路德. 所有冰雹耶稣名字电源. Ø霍顿. 现在,我们感谢所​​有我们的神. Ĵ克鲁杰. 唱圣诞我们现在. 澳深,耶稣爱你没商量. ·弗朗西斯. T.威廉姆斯. 我们的父亲的神. Ğ沃伦. 所有的荣耀,赞美和荣誉. M Teschner. 战歌共和国. 圣善夜. 约翰·德怀特 - . 阿道夫·亚当. 去告诉它在山.