
活页乐谱 $3.99


Jesus, You are My Paschal Lamb. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music. Piano sheet music. Intermediate.


耶稣,你是我的逾越节的羔羊. 声音的乐谱. 吉他乐谱. 钢琴乐谱. 中间.


Jesus, You are My Paschal Lamb composed by Joe Rosochacki. For Piano, Voice, Guitar. Sacred, Secular, Christian, Contemporary Christian, Easter. Intermediate. Lead Sheet. Published by Joe Rosochacki. S0.6104. "Jesus, You are My Pachal Lamb is inspired by the first lamb to be offered to God in the Old Testament. Although ""Lamb of God "" refers in Christian teachings to Jesus Christ in his role of the perfect sacrificial offering, Christological arguments dissociate the term from the Old Testament concept of a ""scapegoat,"" which is a person or animal subject to punishment for the sins of others without knowing it or willing it. Christian doctrine holds that Jesus chose to suffer at Calvary as a sign of his full obedience to the will of his Father, as an ""agent and servant of God"". The Lamb of God is thus related to the Paschal Lamb of Passover, which is viewed as foundational and integral to the message of Christianity. http. en. wikipedia. org. wiki. Lamb_of_God Pastor Dwilla Flynn of the Word of Life Family Church in Commerce, Texas is the featured vocalist. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere. Just purchase, print and play. View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. With Digital Print, you can print your digital sheet music immediately after purchase, or wait until its convenient. And our software installation is easy - we'll guide you through the simple steps to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR and the Sheet Music Plus AIR application.


耶稣,你是我的逾越节的羔羊乔Rosochacki组成. 对于钢琴,声乐,吉他. 神圣,世俗,基督教,当代基督教,复活节. 中间. 铅片. 发布时间由Joe Rosochacki. S0.6104. “耶稣,你是我Pachal羔羊被第一的羔羊献给神在旧约的启发. 虽然“”上帝的羔羊“,”是指在基督教教义耶稣基督在他完美的祭祀的作用,基督论的论据分离,任期由一个“旧约概念”替罪羊“,”这是一个人或动物受惩罚别人的罪而不自知或不愿它. 基督教教义认为,耶稣选择在各各遭受由于他完全服从父亲的意志为转移的迹象,作为“”代理上帝的仆人和“”. 上帝的羔羊因此相关的逾越节的羔羊逾越节,这被看作是基础和整体基督教的消息. HTTP. 在. 维基百科. 组织结构. 维基. 生活家堂在商务部的话语Lamb_of_God牧师Dwilla弗林,德州是特色的歌手. 数码打印是打印乐谱可随时随地. 刚刚购买,打印和播放. 查看您的在线乐谱在家庭,学校,工作或任何地方您有连接到Internet的计算机. 使用我们的iPad应用程序,以在路途中欣赏您的数字乐谱. 随着数码打印,你可以购买后立即打印您的数字乐谱,或者等到它的方便. 而我们的软件的安装是很容易 - 我们将引导您通过简单的步骤,以确保你有安装Adobe Flash Player,Adobe AIR和本乐谱加AIR应用程序.