
活页乐谱 $19.95


Winners Galore. Trumpet. Trombone. Euphonium, Treble Clef with CD. B-Flat Trumpet sheet music. Euphonium sheet music. Trombone sheet music. Beginning.


得奖者嘉豪. 喇叭. 长号. 次中音,高音谱号与光盘. 降B大调小号乐谱. 次中音号的乐谱. 长号乐谱. 开始.


Winners Galore. Trumpet. Trombone. Euphonium, Treble Clef with CD. arranged by Lawrance. For Trumpet. Trombone. Euphonium. Solo Brass. Very easy-easy. Book & CD. Published by Brass Wind Publications. B5.0118TCD. ISBN M570275823. The widespread popularity of Winners Galore for Treble Brass instruments can be attributed to many factors. Most importantly, young players and teachers alike appreciate that each title has been carefully arranged to suit the particular range, technique and characteristics of the instrument. They find the bumper collection of over seventy ever-popular tunes drawn from a wide variety of musical styles guaranteed to whet the appetites of players and audiences alike. There is something for players of all ages to dip into and enjoy. With or without accompaniment this is a collection that players will enjoy practising and performing. Winners Galore for Treble Brass makes an ideal companion to a tutor book providing enjoyment as well as essential repertoire. It is the perfect addition to the wide range of titles found in Easy Winners for Treble Brass. A Life On The Ocean Wave. The Archers. L'Arlesienne - Prelude. The Ash Grove. 9th Symphony. Birdie Song. Black Beauty. Blackadder. Bolero. Bridal March. Calon Lan. Camptown Races. Can-Can. Carnival of the Animals - The Elephant. Cornish Floral Dance. Danny Boy. Day Trip to Bangor. Drunken Sailor. Emmerdale Farm. The Entertainer. Fawlty Towers. Flintstones. Give Me Joy In My Heart. Grand March - Aida. Hallelujah Chorus. Happy Birthday. Hava Nagila. Hornpipe. Humeresque. I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside. In dulci jubilo. In The Mood. Irish Washerwoman. Kalinka. Land Of Hope And Glory. Last Of The Summer Wine. Laural and Hardy. Lily the Pink. Linden Lea. Little Donkey. Mairi's Wedding. March Slav. The Marriage of Figaro - Aria. Mary Had a Baby. Minder. Miss Marple. Mistletoe And Wine. Monty Python. Morning - Peer Gynt. Horn Concerto. The Loco-motion. Pirates of Penzance - March. Muppet Show. A Midsummer Night's Dream - Ma Vlast - Vltava. A Midsummer Night's Dream - Nocturne. Nessun Dorma. Old Shearer's Song. Portsmouth. Postman Pat. Puppet On A String. Radetzky March. Russian Dance. Spread a Little Happiness. Teddy Bear's Picnic. Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines. Those Where the Days. Tie Me Kangaroo Down. Wombling Song. Van der Valk. We Wish You a Merry Christmas. William Tell. Winter - Four Seasons.


得奖者嘉豪. 喇叭. 长号. 次中音,高音谱号与光盘. 安排劳伦斯. 对于小号. 长号. 上低音号. 铜管独奏. 非常容易方便. 书. B5.0118TCD. ISBN M570275823. 得奖者嘉豪高音铜管乐器的广泛普及可以归因于许多因素. 最重要的是,年轻球员和教师都明白,每个标题都经过精心安排,以适应特定范围内,技术和仪器的特点. 他们发现从各种各样的音乐风格保证磨球员和观众的胃口都画过七旬的日益流行曲调的保险杠集合. 也有一些是为所有年龄层的玩家动用和享受. 有或无伴奏的是,玩家将享受练习及表演的集合. 得奖者嘉豪高音铜管是一个理想的伴侣家教书提供的享受,以及必要的剧目. 这是一个完美的除了各种游戏的优胜者容易发现高音黄铜. 一个生活在海浪. 弓箭手. L'阿莱城姑娘 - 前奏. Ash Grove酒店. 第九交响曲. 小鸟歌. 黑美人. 黑爵士. 波丽. 三月新娘. 卡龙兰. 坎普顿赛. 灿灿. 动物嘉年华 - 大象. 康沃尔花舞. 丹尼男孩. 一日游班戈. 喝醉的水手. 埃默代尔农场. 艺人. 宝泉. 摩登原始人. 给我喜悦在我心. 三月大 - 阿依. 哈利路亚合唱. 生日快乐. HAVA Nagila. Hornpipe. Humeresque. 我不喜欢被旁边的海边. 在dulci磐田. 花样. 爱尔兰洗衣妇. 卡琳卡. 土地的希望与荣耀. 最后的夏天酒. Laural与哈. 莉莉的粉红. 林登LEA. 小毛驴. Mairi的​​婚礼. 斯拉夫进行曲. 费加罗的婚礼 - 咏叹调. 玛丽生了一个孩子. 明德. 马普尔小姐. 槲寄生和酒. 巨蟒. 早晨 - 培尔金特. 圆号协奏曲. 火车头运动. 三月 - 彭赞斯的海盗. 青蛙布偶秀. 仲夏夜的梦 - 马Vlast - 伏尔塔瓦. 仲夏夜的梦 - 夜曲. 今夜无人入睡. 老希勒之歌. 朴茨茅斯. 邮差帕特. 木偶在一个String. 拉德斯基进行曲. 俄罗斯舞. 传播一个小小的幸福. 泰迪熊的野餐. 那些宏伟的男性在他们的飞行器. 那些如天. 绑着我袋鼠羽绒服. Wombling歌. 的van der Valk酒店. 我们祝你圣诞快乐. 威廉泰尔. 冬季 - 四季.