
活页乐谱 $15.00


Silver Screen. Paul Hart. Grade 4.


银幕. 保罗·哈特. 四年级.


Silver Screen composed by Paul Hart. For concert band. Piccolo, 1st Flute, 2nd Flute, 1st Oboe, 2nd Oboe, Eb Clarinet. , 1st Bb Clarinet, 2nd Bb Clarinet, 3rd Bb Clarinet, Bb Bass Clarinet, 1st Bassoon, 2nd Bassoon, 1st Eb Alto Saxophone, 2nd Eb Alto Saxophone, Bb Tenor Saxophone, Eb Baritone Saxophone. , 1st B. Band Music. Grade 4.5. Score only. Duration 10. 45. Published by C. Alan Publications. CN.S11246. Paul Hart's tongue-in-cheek piece is an inevitably programmatic version of a silent film score. We can hear the story unfold from the opening credits to a clown-like hero and his beautiful heroine to the villain who ties her to the train tracks. If you like Cartoon, you will love Silver Screen. Before starting to write this piece I did a little basic research and was surprised to learn how sophisticated the art of providing music for silent films eventually became. A large theatre might well employ an orchestra of sixty or more musicians and keep a library of many thousands of orchestral scores including many classical selections as well as popular music of the day. My impressions of silent film music had always been based on the compilations of snippets which used to be aired on British TV in the 1960s as "Fillers. " I suppose the music for these was composed and recorded in the sixties and would often just be a "Honky-Tonk" piano. We were treated to sections of comedies and melodrama and I don't remember ever seeing a full-length film. My piece is really a reflection of the impressions which these broadcasts made on me and is, as such, slightly tongue-in-cheek. The piece is inevitably programmatic and the story might unfold as follows. Logos and opening credits wind down to a dawn shot of an American town, which soon comes to life with bustling energy. A stumble and a clarinet gliss lead to the introduction of the hero who is, of course, a clown-like figure. A fanfare announces the arrival of the Mayor, a pompous swaggering chap, followed by his beautiful daughter, the heroine, portrayed by the alto saxophone. She meets the hero and we hear their respective tunes intertwining. This happy scene is interrupted by the arrival of the villain who struts around menacingly and his eye falls on the Mayor's daughter and our hero. He must have feelings for the girl and an anxious dialogue ensues in which we hear their three themes tossed around nervously. The hero tries to calm things down but to no avail and we are led into a chase which culminates in the hero getting knocked unconscious and the Mayor's daughter being tied to the railway tracks. I never quite understood why this would happen in silent films, I suppose it's a case of "If I can't have her then nobody else shall. We hear the sound of an approaching train and as the tension builds, our heroine cries out in fear and the villain gloats and rubs his hands. Happily, of course, our hero wakes up, kills the villain and rescues the girl just as the train arrives. The train disappears into the distance, the girl expresses her love for the hero, climaxing in a romantic scene in which he proposes to her. This is interrupted by the villain's body being borne away. Everyone then goes about their business. a happy ending, followed by the credits.


银幕由保罗·哈特组成. 对于乐队演唱会. 短笛,长笛第一,第二长笛,双簧管1,第2双簧管,单簧管的Eb. ,第一降B调单簧管,2降B调单簧管,三降B调单簧管,降B低音单簧管,巴松管1,第2巴松管,第一降E中音萨克斯,降E 2中音萨克斯,降B次中音萨克斯,降E上低音萨克斯. ,1乙. 乐队音乐. 4.5级. 分数只. 持续时间10. 45. 发布时间由C.艾伦出版物. CN.S11246. 保罗·哈特的舌头在脸颊部分是无声电影配乐的一个不可避免的纲领性版本. 我们可以听到从片头的故事展开,以一个小丑般的英雄和他美丽的女主人公谁绑她到火车轨道小人. 如果你喜欢卡通,你一定会喜欢银幕. 开始写这一块我做了一些基础研究,惊讶地学习如何提供精良的音乐无声电影的艺术最终成为前. 大剧院很可能会采用的60或更多音乐家的乐团,并保持成千上万管弦乐的分数,包括许多经典的选择,以及一天中的流行音乐库. 我的无声电影音乐的印象一直是基于片段的这曾经播出的英国电视上在20世纪60年代的“填料的合辑. “我想音乐为这些组成并记录在六,往往只是一个”低级夜总会“钢琴. 我们受到了喜剧和情节剧的部分,我不记得曾经看到一个完整长度的电影. 我的作品的确是对我影响这些广播的印象的反映,是,正因为如此,稍微舌头在脸颊. 这件作品是不可避免的纲领性和故事可能展开如下. 标志和片头逐步减少到黎明拍摄一个美国小镇,很快来生活与繁华的能量. 吃一堑和单簧管GLISS率先引进的英雄是谁,当然,一个小丑般的人物. 大张旗鼓宣布市长的到来,一个浮夸耀武扬威的家伙,其次是他美丽的女儿,女主角,由中音萨克斯描绘. 她遇见了英雄,我们听到他们各自的曲调交织. 这个快乐的场景通过谁围绕支柱来势汹汹和他的眼睛落在了市长的女儿和我们的英雄恶棍的到来打断. 他一定是有感情的女孩和焦虑随之而来的对话中,我们听到他们的三个主题扔周围紧张. 主人公试图平息事态,但无济于事,我们引入一个追逐的高潮中的主人公得到击昏和市长的女儿被捆绑到铁轨. 我从来没有完全明白为什么这会在无声电影发生,我想它是“如果我不能让她再没有其他人不得案件. 我们听到一个接近火车的声音和张力建,我们的女主角呼喊在恐惧与小人gloats和搓着手. 令人高兴的是,当然,我们的英雄醒来,杀死恶棍和抢救,就像火车到达的女孩. 火车消失在远方,女孩表达了她对爱情的主人公,达到高潮在一个浪漫的场景中,他向她求婚. 这是由小人的身体被传染了中断. 然后大家去了解他们的业务. 一个快乐的结局,其次是信贷.