
活页乐谱 $19.95


Evanescence -- The Piano Style of Amy Lee. Evanescence. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music.


伊凡塞斯 - 艾米李的钢琴风格. 伊凡塞斯. 钢琴,声乐,吉他乐谱. 声音的乐谱.


Evanescence -- The Piano Style of Amy Lee. Piano. Vocal. Chords. By Evanescence. For Piano. Vocal. Chords. This edition. Piano. Vocal. Chords. Artist. Personality. Personality Book. Piano. Vocal. Chords. Rock. Book. 72 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.32165. ISBN 0739059238. Rock. This book features songs from the albums Fallen, Anywhere But Home, and The Open Door. Titles. Breathe No More. Bring Me to Life. Call Me When You're Sober. Good Enough. Hello. Imaginary. Lacrymosa. Like You. Lithium. Lose Control. My Immortal. Your Star. My Immortal. Hello. Imaginary. Bring Me to Life. Call Me When You're Sober. Lacrymosa. Lose Control. Your Star. Lithium. Like You. Good Enough. Breathe No More.


伊凡塞斯 - 艾米李的钢琴风格. 计划. 声音的. 和弦. 由伊凡塞斯. 钢琴. 声音的. 和弦. 此版本. 计划. 声音的. 和弦. 艺术家. 个性. 个性书. 计划. 声音的. 和弦. 岩石. 书. 72页. 发布时间由阿尔弗雷德音乐. AP.32165. 国际标准书号0739059238. 岩石. 这本书的特点从专辑的歌曲堕落,任何地方,但家庭和门户开放. 标题. 呼吸没有更多. 带我去生活. 叫我当你清醒. 足够好. 你好. 假想. Lacrymosa. Like You. 锂. 失去控制. 我的不朽. Your Star. 我的不朽. 你好. 假想. 带我去生活. 叫我当你清醒. Lacrymosa. 失去控制. Your Star. 锂. Like You. 足够好. 呼吸没有更多.