
活页乐谱 $39.99


Jingle Bells. Director's Resource Kit. Pam Andrews. Choir sheet music. Beginning.


铃儿响叮当. 董事的资源工具包. 帕姆安卓. 合唱乐谱. 开始.


Jingle Bells. Director's Resource Kit. arranged by Pam Andrews. For Unison choir. Brentwood Choral. Sacred, Modern Christian, Christmas. Easy. Director's musical resource kit. Published by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing. BN.4575701827. One night every year, bells from all over the country gather to perform in the Bell Choir's annual Christmas Eve service. This year, all the bells are there - Dessa Bell, Clara Belle. the Southern Bell. , Paco Bell and the rest - all except Alexander Bell. Normally one of the "ring leaders," Alexander has been injured in a snow storm and cannot perform his part. When his replacement, Bing-Can-Ring Bell, can't seem to ring the part correctly, Dr. J.B. Jangles is sent to diagnose the problem. He is suffering from "Disaortic-iambictic-ring-a-ding-a-do-sis," an ailment of the heart - he doesn't know Jesus. Your children will love performing Jingle Bells, a fantastic musical story rich in spiritual symbolism. With easy-to-sing songs that can help kids learn harmony - and can even be used in Sunday morning services - your children will discover the cure for the ailment that ails us all, leading them to become "Bell" -ievers in Christ. Songs include. Disaorticiambicticringadingadosis - Divine Intervention - He's Really, Really Bad - I Want To Ring Like The Other Bells - Jingle Bells - Sad - Jingle Bells Finale - Jingle Those Bells - Just Look At Me Ring. - Let Us Ring Out The News Of Christmas - There Is A Plan - We Believe.


铃儿响叮当. 董事的资源工具包. 安排帕姆安卓. 对于合唱团齐奏. 布伦特伍德合唱. 神圣的,现代的基督徒,圣诞节. 易. 导演的音乐资源包. 出版布伦特伍德 - 本森音乐出版. BN.4575701827. 一天晚上,每一年,来自全国各地的钟声聚集在贝尔合唱团每年的平安夜服务来执行. 这一年,所有的钟声在那里 - DESSA贝尔,克拉拉百丽. 南方贝尔. 柏高贝尔其余 - 除了亚历山大·贝尔. 通常情况下,一个“环领袖,”亚历山大已经受伤在暴风雪而无法履行其部分. 当他的继任者,炳灿环贝尔,似乎无法正确地响一部分,JB叮当作响的博士被发送到诊断问题. 他患的是心脏的“Disaortic-iambictic环 - 一鼎一-DO-SIS,”一种疾病 - 他不知道耶稣. 你的孩子一定会喜欢表演铃儿响叮当,一个梦幻般的音乐故事,丰富的精神象征. 与易唱的歌曲,可以帮助孩子们学习的和谐 - 并且可以在周日早上的服务甚至可以使用 - 你的孩子会发现治愈自己头疼的我们所有人,导致他们成为“贝尔”-ievers在基督里的疾病. 歌曲包括:. Disaorticiambicticringadingadosis - 神圣干涉 - 他是非常,非常糟糕 - 我要钻戒像其他的钟声 - 铃儿响叮当 - 悲伤 - 铃儿响叮当结局 - 叮铃铃的那些 - 只是看着我戒指. - 让我们环列圣诞节的消息 - 有一个计划 - 我们相信.