
活页乐谱 $24.00


Everyday Sorrows, Everyday Joys. Orchestral Version. - Full Score. Elizabeth Alexander. Choir sheet music. Beginning.


日常悲伤,喜悦每天. 管弦乐版本. - 全谱. 伊丽莎白·亚历山大. 合唱乐谱. 开始.


Everyday Sorrows, Everyday Joys. Orchestral Version. - Full Score composed by Elizabeth Alexander. For Children's Choir. SA choir. children's choir. and elementary orchestra. Junior. Youth Choir, Concert Music. Hardship, Joy, Secular, Choral. Moderately Easy. Full score. Text language. English. Duration 15 minutes. Published by Seafarer Press. SF.SEA-013-00. With Text language. English. Hardship, Joy, Secular, Choral. Five songs celebrating the ups and downs of life - from the joys of bubble baths and ice cream, to the frustrations of sick days and taunting. Written collaboratively with elementary students, the styles are as eclectic and vibrant as a roomful of children. Songs may be performed individually or as a set. The orchestral accompaniment was written written for a 4th-6th grade orchestra in a public school. Commissioned by Syracuse Society for New Music, Composers-in-the-Schools Program. Syracuse, NY. The orchestral accompaniment was written written for a 4th-6th grade orchestra in a public school. Range. all parts. a-e" Text. I. Bubbles, bubbles based on poems by Angel Myers and Danielle Corapi Bubbles, bubbles everywhere, In my bath and in my hair. I want to stay in for an hour or two. I hope they stay out of my eyes. Bubbles, bubbles everywhere, In my house and in the air. I want to stay in for a day or two. I hope they stay out of my mouth. Floating in and out, riding up and down, I hope the bubbles get me clean While they're dancing all around, 'Cause if they don't I'll wear a frown. II. The Colors That I Like To Eat based on poems by Tiera Betsey and Marticia Bennett These are the colors that I like to eat. Red is strawberries and apples, too. Yellow is bananas and french fries, ooooh. Green is pickles and pears, okay. Orange is mangos and carrots, hooray. Purple is raisins and grapes, oh my. Blue is blueberries and blueberry pie. Brown is hamburgers, what a treat. But most of all I love to eat All different colors of ice cream. These are the colors that I like to eat. III. Sick Day based on a poem by Dina Gianoulis, Alexis O'Connor and Kristyn Fontana I'm really sick today. I cannot go to school. I feel so very strange. I think I'm burning up. Hurry, hurry I need a drink. Can you bring a cough drop too. Hurry, hurry, I need a tissue. Mommy, mommy what to do. I'm so bored. I'm so bored. I feel very very tired And I want to just collapse. IV. Being Cool based on poems by Tracy Koval and Chris Woelfel I was trying to be cool In the hallway after school A little kid was walkin' by And I stuck my foot out just to try I tripped the kid and he looked as if he might cry. This is not cool - you're actin' like a fool. Don't get in a fight - you know it is not right. I learned my lesson. And I'm not guessin'. That being thoughtless and being mean Won't get me anywhere. it's a real bad scene. Now I'm being cool the right way 'til the end. V. A Joyful Day based on a poem by Cary Blanding Last week I had a joyful day. I read a book, I sang a song, I smelled a flower. My head was happy. Last week I had a joyful day. I threw a ball, I lifted weights, I climbed a tree. My arms were tired. I drank some juice, I ate an apple, Mmmmm. Last week I had a joyful day. I ran a race, I rode my bike, I helped a friend. My heart felt good. Last week I had a joyful day. I marched uphill, and ran right home, and soaked in a hot bath. My body felt great from my head to my toes. Copyright 1998 by Elizabeth Alexander. I. Bubbles, bubbles. II. The Colors That I Like to Eat. III. Sick Day. IV. Being Cool. V. A Joyful Day.


日常悲伤,喜悦每天. 管弦乐版本. - 全得分的伊丽莎白·亚历山大组成. 对于儿童合唱团. SA合唱团. 孩子们的合唱团. 和小学管弦乐团. 初级. 青年合唱团,音乐会音乐. 困苦,欢乐,世俗,合唱. 适度宽松. 全部得分. 语言文字. 英语. 时间15分钟. 出版海员出版社. SF.SEA-013-00. 与文本语言. 英语. 困苦,欢乐,世俗,合唱. 五首歌曲,庆祝生命的跌宕起伏 - 从泡泡浴和冰淇淋的乐趣,给病假的挫折和嘲弄. 书面合作与小学生,款式都是为不拘一格,充满活力的孩子满屋子. 歌曲可单独或作为一组进行. 管弦乐伴奏写了4〜6级乐团在一所公立学校书面. 对于新的音乐委托雪城协会,作曲家点上,学校计划. 纽约州锡拉丘兹. 管弦乐伴奏写了4〜6级乐团在一所公立学校书面. 范围. 所有部件. A-E“文本. 一,泡沫的基础上,通过诗天使迈尔斯和Danielle Corapi泡沫气泡,气泡无处不在,在我洗澡,并在我的头发. 我想留在一个小时或两个. 我希望他们留了我的眼睛. 泡沫,泡沫无处不在,在我家,在空气中. 我想留在一两天. 我希望他们留了我的嘴. 漂浮在进进出出,骑上下,我希望气泡让我干净的,而他们跳舞周围的一切,因为如果他们没有我会穿一皱眉. 二。我喜欢根据诗歌TIERA贝特西和Marticia贝内特吃颜色这些都是我喜欢吃的颜色. 红色是草莓和苹果,太. 黄色的是香蕉和炸薯条,OOOOH. 绿色是泡菜,梨,好吗. 橙色是芒果,胡萝卜,万岁. 紫色是葡萄干和葡萄,噢,我. 蓝色是蓝莓和蓝莓馅饼. 布朗是汉堡包,什么请客. 但最重要的是我喜欢吃的所有不同颜色的冰淇淋. 这些都是我喜欢吃的颜色. 三。病日根据一首诗迪娜Gianoulis,亚历克西斯·奥康纳和Kristyn丰塔纳今天我真的病了. 我不能去上学. 我觉得这样很奇怪. 我觉得我为你燃烧. 快,快,我需要喝一杯. 你可以把咳嗽降得. 快点,快点,我需要一个组织. 妈妈,妈妈该怎么办. 我很无聊. 我很无聊. 我觉得非常非常的累了,我想就这样崩溃. 四。正在酷的基础上由特雷西·科瓦尔和克里斯Woelfel诗我是想学一些小孩是走着'通过后,要冷静在走廊上,我坚持我的脚出来只是为了试试我绊倒的孩子,他看起来好像他可能哭. 这是不是很酷 - 你是肌动蛋白就像一个傻瓜. 不要在战斗 - 你知道这是不对的. 我吸取了教训. 而且我不是guessin“. 这是轻率和刻薄不会让我在任何地方. 这是一个真正的坏场景. 现在,我正爽的正确方法,直到年底. 根据一首诗卡里布兰丁五,欢乐的一天上周我有一个快乐的一天. 我读了一本书,我唱了一首歌,我闻到了花. 我的头是幸福的. 上周,我有一个快乐的一天. 我扔了一个球,我举重,我爬上一棵树. 我的手臂都累了. 我喝一些果汁,我吃了一个苹果,MMMMM. 上周,我有一个快乐的一天. 我跑了一场比赛,我骑着我的自行车,我帮朋友. 我的心脏感觉很好. 上周,我有一个快乐的一天. 我迈着上坡,就跑回家的权利,并浸泡在热水浴. 我的身体感觉很好从我的头,我的脚趾. 伊丽莎白·亚历山大版权所有1998. 一,气泡,气泡. 二。那我最喜欢吃的颜色. 三。生病的一天. 四。作为酷. 五,欢乐的一天.