
活页乐谱 $34.95


Meeting Brother Roger of Taize. Choir sheet music.


会议泰泽的兄弟罗杰. 合唱乐谱.


Meeting Brother Roger of Taize. 2-DVD set. Composed by Taize. Sacred. DVD. Published by GIA Publications. GI.G-DVD-671. Brother Roger tells the story of Taize and his own life. In a simple room near a modest fire, the late Brother Roger, whose kind eyes reflect his love of Christ, begins the tale of his extraordinary life and the rise of the Taize Community. As the tale unfolds, you are transported through the picturesque countryside of Taize, France, with its rustic buildings, babbling brook, and incredible landscape. Interspersed with this intriguing narrative are vignettes of Taize prayer accompanied by the popular, spirit-filled music that inspires peace of heart. This riveting two-DVD set is dubbed in eight different languages and provides more than an hour and a half of captivating insights from this serene man of God - his philosophies, his beliefs, his passion, and his uncompromising faith. This story recounts in detail his humble beginnings, his journey toward monastic life, and his desire to create a community that would become a radiating epicenter of peace, love, and understanding. Today the Taize Community experiences in ever greater numbers a constant stream of pilgrims, mostly youths, who travel from all over the world to encounter and be enlightened by this pure and intoxicating form of prayer. After experiencing Meeting Brother Roger of Taize for yourself, you too will be transformed.


会议泰泽的兄弟罗杰. 2-DVD套装. 由泰泽组成. 神圣. DVD。发布时间为GIA出版物. GI.G-DVD-671. 罗哲弟兄告诉泰泽的故事和自己的性命. 在附近一个温和的火一个简单的房间,已故罗哲弟兄,他的那种眼神反映了他对基督的爱,开始了他不平凡的一生的故事和泰泽社区的兴起. 随着故事的展开,您是通过泰泽,法国风景如画的乡村运输,以其质朴的建筑,潺潺的小溪,和令人难以置信的景观. 穿插着这样一个有趣的故事是泰泽祈祷的护身符伴随着流行,圣灵充满的音乐,激发心脏的和平. 这种铆接两张DVD集配成8种不同的语言,并提供了一​​个多小时,从这个宁静的神人迷人的见解半 - 他的哲学,他的信仰,他的激情,他的不妥协的信念. 具体这个故事讲述了他出身卑微,他的旅程对寺院的生活,他的愿望,创造一个社区,将成为和平,爱的辐射震中和理解. 今天,在数量不断增加的泰泽社区经验的朝圣者,大多是年轻人,谁从世界各地旅行遇到并通过这种纯粹和醉人的祈祷形式中受到启发络绎不绝. 在经历泰泽的会议兄弟罗杰为自己,你也将改造.