活页乐谱 $8.98
Lord Let Your Glory Fall. CD only - no sheet music. Phillips Craig and Dean. High Voice sheet music. Low Voice sheet music. Medium Voice sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music.译文
主愿你的荣耀下降. 仅CD - 没有乐谱. 菲利普斯克雷格和Dean. 高语音乐谱. 低沉的声音乐谱. 中等声乐谱. 独唱乐谱.原文
Lord Let Your Glory Fall. CD only - no sheet music. by Phillips Craig and Dean. For solo voice. High. Medium. Low Voice. Modern Christian. Adult Contemporary and Sacred. CD Trax - Performance. Accompaniment CD. Published by Praise Hymn. IN.767667026926. Praise Hymn has come to be known as the leader in innovation of Christian music soundtracks. Praise Hymn was the first soundtrack line to introduce the high-medium-low format, which has now been imitated by most every other track line. In addition, each of the 3 keys is available with and without background vocals. PLEASE NOTE. Praise Hymn Soundtracks do not use the original artist's tracks. They are re-recorded by a team of musicians and singers. In some cases, long introductions or instrumentals as well as fade outs are taken out in order to make each track as singer-friendly as possible.译文
主愿你的荣耀下降. 仅CD - 没有乐谱. 由克雷格·菲利普斯和Dean. 对于独唱. 高. 中. 低沉的声音. 近代基督教. 成人当代和神圣. CD特里克斯 - 性能. 伴奏光盘。出版赞美歌. IN.767667026926. 赞美歌已经到了被称为领导者在基督教音乐配乐的创新. 赞美歌是第一个配乐线引进高 - 中 - 低的格式,现已被模仿者大多数其他轨道线. 此外,每3个键的可使用和不使用背景声. 请注意. 赞美歌原声音乐不要使用原来的艺术家的曲目. 他们正在重新记录由一组音乐家和歌唱家. 在某些情况下,长期推出或器乐以及褪色奏是为了使每个轨道取出歌手,尽可能友好.流行的搜索请求