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Discovering the Yamaha MOX.




Discovering the Yamaha MOX dVD. DVD. KeyFax New Media Inc. #DVD MOX. Published by KeyFax New Media Inc.. HL.631854. Question. Why is so difficult for people in music stores to tell me what I need to know. This is a top-to-toe look at the 2011-released Yamaha MOX6. MOX8 music production synthesizers produced for Yamaha by KEYFAX NewMedia. Phil Clendeninn-senior Yamaha product specialist and 'BadMister' from the Motifator. com forums-shows you how to find, apply and customize the MOX's entire list of incredible features. In addition to looking at the MOX's own internal treasure chest Phil Clendeninn investigates the instrument's USB computer integration and audio interface capability. Phil's delivery style is insightful, encouraging, and entertaining. having spent a lifetime in product support he instinctively knows what you need to know and how to explain all the features and processes so that you 'get it. Answer. technology has got too advanced and music store employees are probably not paid enough, either. Key scenes include. Setting up and getting comfortable, voices, using pedals and assignable controls, applying effects, the performance creator, customizing performances, direct performance record, pattern recording & mixing, chaining patterns and recording songs and integrating with the computer. Run time. 2 hours, 30 min.


Открывая Yamaha МОКС-DVD. DVD. KeyFax New Media Inc.. HL.631854. 问题. 为什么是这样的人很难在音乐商店,告​​诉我什么,我需要知道的. 这是一个从高端到脚趾看看2011年发布的雅马哈MOX6. 通过KEYFAX NewMedia制作了雅马哈MOX8音乐制作合成器. 菲尔Clendeninn - 雅马哈高级产品专家,并从Motifator'BadMister“. COM论坛 - 告诉你如何找到,应用和定制的令人难以置信的功能的混合氧化物的整个列表. 除了着眼于MOX自己的内部百宝箱菲尔Clendeninn调查乐器的USB电脑集成和音频接口功能. 菲尔的发送方式是有见地的,令人鼓舞的,和娱乐. 花了一辈子的产品支持,他本能地知道什么,你需要知道如何解释所有的功能和流程,使你得到它. 答案. 技术已经变得过于先进和音乐商店的员工都可能不够支付的,无论是. 关键场景包括:. 设置与使用舒适,声音,使用踏板和可分配的控制,应用效果,表现创作者,定制表演,直接表现记录,录音模式. 运行时间. 2小时后,30分钟.