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The Ultimate Song Pages - Acoustic Guitar. Various. Acoustic Guitar sheet music. Classical Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music. Intermediate.


终极宋页 - 木吉他. 各个. 木吉他乐谱. 古典吉他乐谱. 吉他琴谱乐谱. 中间.


The Ultimate Song Pages - Acoustic Guitar. 220 Songs. By Various. For Guitar. Guitar Mixed Folio. Guitar TAB. Guitar Recorded Version. Pop Rock, Rock, Country, Jazz, Classical, Christmas and Movies. Difficulty. medium. Guitar tablature songbook. Standard guitar notation, guitar tablature, vocal melody, lyrics, guitar tab glossary, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. 1048 pages. Alfred Music #GFM0314. Published by Alfred Music. HL.321440. ISBN 0757903126. With standard guitar notation, guitar tablature, vocal melody, lyrics, guitar tab glossary, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. Pop Rock, Rock, Country, Jazz, Classical, Christmas and Movies. 9x12 inches. This ultimate collection is jam-packed with more than 200 songs for the acoustic guitar as performed by popular artists such as the Grateful Dead, Alanis Morrissette, Michelle Branch, James Taylor and more. It is the greatest compilation of acoustic guitar music ever assembled -- all fully transcribed in standard notation and tablature. Also included are numerous arrangements of Broadway solos, Christmas songs, classical solos, jazz standards, and movie tunes. Titles. and artists. include. 6th Avenue Heartache. The Wallflowers. , Cheap Day Return. Jethro Tull. , I Can Let Go Now. Alison Krauss. , Lyin' Eyes. Eagles. and more. Guitar Recorded Versions are note-for-note transcriptions of guitar music taken directly off recordings. This series, one of the most popular in print today, features some of the greatest guitar players and groups from blues, rock, and heavy metal. Guitar Recorded Versions are transcribed by the best transcribers in the business. Every book contains notes and tablature. 500 Miles. 6Th Avenue Heartache. Absence of Fear. Ain't Misbehavin'. All You Wanted. American Pie. Ancient, The. And I Love You So. And It Stoned Me. As Time Goes By. Ave Maria. Schubert Solo. Baby, Now That I've Found You. Back to Georgia. Beth. Big Yellow Taxi. Black Water. Body And Soul. Both Sides Now. Bouree. Broken Arrow. Cajun Moon. California. Canon in D. Pachebel. Can't Find My Way Home. Caravan. Carefree Highway. Castles In The Air. Cat's In The Cradle. Change the World. Changes in Lattitudes, Changes in Attitudes. Cheap Day Return. Shelsea Morning. The Circe Game. Clair De Lune. Clap. Classical Gas. Cocaine. Come Monday. Come Running. Copperhead Road. Copperline. Cotton Jenny. Crazy Love. Creeque Alley. Czardas. Hungarain Folk Song. Daniel. Days Of Wine And Roses. Deep Water. Desperado. Doctor to My Eyes. Dog & Butterfly. Domino. Don't Speak. Dreamboat Annie. Drop In The Ocean. Early Mornin' Rain. Emily's Song. Everywhere. Fantasie Impromptu. Fat Man. Fearless Heart. Fernando. The First Noel. A Foggy Day. Foolish Games. For Lovin' Me. Did She Mention My Name. For The Roses. Forever Autumn. Fur Elise. Glory Row. Good Riddance. Time Of Your Life. Goodbye Again. Grapefruit-Juicy Fruit. The Greatest Love Of All. Greensleeves. Guitar Town. Hands. Handy Man. Harvest Moon. Havana Daydreamin'. Head Over Feet. Heart Of Gold. Helpless. Here With Me. A Horse With No Name. Hotel California. acoustic version. House at Pooh Corner. I Beleive I Can Fly. I Can Let Go Now. I Fell Alright. I Got a Name. I Got Rhythm. I Love My Dog. I Need You. I'll Make Love To You Anytime. If Mary Were Here. Impossible Dreamer. Ironic. unplugged. It Don't Mean a Thing. If it ain't got That Swing. It Had To Be You. It's You. Jesse. Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring. John Barleycorn. Must Die. Joy To The World. Layla. Unplugged. Long May You Run. Lookin in the eyes of Love. A Love Song. Lyin' Eyes. Margaritavillle. Matthew and Son. Mexico. Millworker. Minority. Misty. Mood For A Day. Moondance. Moonlight Sonata. Mr. Bojangles. My Beat. My Funny Valentine. My Sweet Lady. Needle And The Damage Done. Never Going Back Again. Night Train. Nights In White Satin. Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out. Nothing Can Be Done. Ode To Billy Joe. Old College Avenue. Old Man. One Headlight. One Of Us. One Particular Harbor. Only God Knows Why. Pacing The Cage. Pavane. Pour Une Infante Defunte. Pieces Of You. A Pirate Looks At Forty. Question. Ragtime. Rainy Day People. Ride Me Like A Wave. The Road. Rocky Mountain High. Romanza. 'round Midnight. Running On Faith. Sandy. Satin Doll. Send in the Clowns. Seven Spanish Angels. She Sings Songs Without Words. She Thinks I Still Care. Shed A Little Light. Shower The People. Silent Night. Sister Golden Hair. Skating Away. On the Thin Ice of the New Day. Society's Child. Some People's Live. Song For Adam. A Song for Jeffrey. Sossity, You're a Woman. Southern Man. Spanish Fly. Standing Still. Sugaree. Summertime. Summertime Dream. Sundown. Sunny Came Home. Sunshine On My Shoulders. Sweet Georgia Brown. Sweet Thing. Take Five. Take It Easy. Take Me Home, Country Roads. Tangled Up Puppet. Taxi. Tears In Heaven. Tequila Sunrise. From Hell Freezes Over. Thick As A Brick. This Train Still Runs. Tin Man. Tokyo. Tuesday Afternoon. Forever Afternoon. Tupelo Honey. Uncle John's Band. Uninvited. Ventura Highway. Vincent. Starry, Starry Night. Warning. When You Say NNothing At All. Where Are You Now. Who Will Save Your Soul. Wildfire. Winter Song. Wond'ring Aloud. Wonderful Remark. Wondering Where the Lions Are. The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzegerald. You and the Mona Lisa. You Get Me. You Learn. Unplugged. You Make It Easy. You Oughta Know. Unplugged. You Were Meant For Me. Your Smiling Face. Your Song. Your Wildest Dreams.


终极宋页 - 木吉他. 220歌曲. 各. 对于吉他. 吉他混合开本. 吉他谱。吉他录制的版本. 流行摇滚,摇滚,乡村,爵士,古典,圣诞节和电影. 困难. 中. 吉他六线谱歌本. 标准的吉他简谱,吉他指法,声乐旋律,歌词,吉他标签词汇,和弦名称和吉他和弦图. 1048页. Альфред Музыка. 发布时间由阿尔弗雷德音乐. HL.321440. 国际标准书号0757903126. 与标准的吉他简谱,吉他指法,声乐旋律,歌词,吉他标签词汇,和弦名称和吉他和弦图. 流行摇滚,摇滚,乡村,爵士,古典,圣诞节和电影. 9X12英寸. 这个最终的集合挤满了超过200首歌曲的吉他由当红艺人如Grateful Dead乐队,艾拉妮丝莫Morrissette,米歇尔分公司,詹姆斯·泰勒和更多的执行. 这是吉他音乐有史以来最伟大的编译 - 在所有标准表示法和指法完全转录. 还包括百老汇独奏无数安排,圣诞歌曲,古典独奏,爵士乐​​,电影和音乐. 标题. 和艺术家. 包括. 第六大道心痛. 桂竹香. ,廉价天退换货. 忒Tull的. ,我可以放开我们. Alison Krauss. ,胡扯眼睛. 老鹰. 多. 吉他录制的版本是记作笔记抄录直接采取关闭录音吉他音乐. 这个系列中,最流行的打印一体的今天,具有一些最伟大的吉他手和组从蓝调,摇滚和重金属. 吉他录制的版本是由在业务最好的转录誊写. 每本书包含笔记和六线谱. 500万里. 第六大道心痛. 恐惧不存在. 呈祥“. 所有你想. 美国派. 古代,在. ,我爱你所以. 和它砸死我. 随着时间的推移. 圣母颂. 舒伯特的独奏. 宝贝,现在我已经找到了你. 回到佐治亚. 贝丝. 大黄色出租车. 黑水. 身体和灵魂. 现在双方. Bouree. 断箭. 印第安月亮. 加州. 佳能在D中. Pachebel. 无法找到回家的路. 马帮. 无忧无虑的公路. 空中楼阁. 猫的摇篮. 改变世界. 变化Lattitudes,改变态度. Cheap Day Return. Shelsea晨报. 在喀耳刻游戏. 月光. 霹. 古典气. 可卡因. 周一来. 快来运行. 铜斑蛇道. Copperline. Cotton Jenny. 疯狂的爱. Creeque巷. Czardas. Hungarain民歌. 丹尼尔. 葡萄酒和玫瑰天. 深水. 不逞之徒. 医生,我的眼睛. 狗. 骨牌. 不说话. 白马王子安妮. 沧海一粟. 早期的早上,雨. 艾米莉的歌. 到处. 即兴幻想曲. 胖子. 无畏的心. 费尔南多. 第一诺埃尔. 的雾日. 愚蠢的游戏. 为了爱我. 难道她提到我的名字. 为玫瑰. 永远的秋天. 致爱丽丝. 光荣行. 太好了. 时间你的生活. 再次再见. 葡萄柚多汁的水果. 最伟大的爱全部. 绿袖子. 吉他镇. 手. 城堡里. 牧场物语. 哈瓦那Daydreamin“. 头脚以上. 心脏黄金. 无助. 在我身边. 一匹马没有名字. 加州旅馆. acoustic version. 房子维尼角落. 我Beleive我能飞. 我可以放开我们. 我爱上好吧. 我得到了一个名称. 我得到了节奏. 我爱我的狗. 我需要你. 我会和你做爱随时. 如果玛丽曾到此一游. 不可能的梦想家. 具有讽刺意味的. 不插电. 这并不意味着一件事. 如果没有得到那个秋千. 它必须是你. 这是你. 杰西. JESU,欢乐的人的切望. 约翰·巴利恐. 必须死. 欢乐世界. 蕾拉. 不插电. 月朗润你. 看着在爱的眼睛. 情歌. 胡扯眼睛. Margaritavillle. 马修和他的儿子. 墨西哥. 出身工人家庭. 少数. 蒙蒙. 心情一整天. 月舞. 月光奏鸣曲. 等Bojangles先生. 我的节拍. 我滑稽的情人节. 我的甜美淑女. 针和所造成的损害. 永远不会再返回. 夜车. 夜在白色缎. 没人知道你当你意志消沉,不. 没有什么可以做. 颂歌比利·乔. 旧学院大道. 老人. 一个大灯. 我们当中的一个. 一个特定的港湾. 只有上帝知道为什么. 踱步笼. 孔雀舞曲. 一晚的方特. 件你. 海盗着眼于四十. 问题. 拉格泰姆. 雨天人们. 骑我像波. The Road. 洛矶山高. 浪漫曲. “午夜轮. 运行在信念. 沙. 绸缎娃娃. 发送的小丑. 七西班牙语天使. 她唱的歌曲没有词. 她认为我还在乎. 流下了小光. 淋浴人民. 平安夜. 妹妹金头发. 滑冰客场. 在新的一天的薄冰. 社会的儿童. 有些人的现场. 乐曲亚当. 一首歌曲为杰弗里. Sossity,你是一个女人. 南人. 蟊. 站着不动. Sugaree. 夏令. Summertime Dream. 日落. 桑妮回家. 阳光照在我肩上. 甜格鲁吉亚布朗. 甜蜜的事情. 采取五. 别紧张. 带我回家,乡村路. 纠结了木偶. 出租车. 的诗篇. 龙舌兰日出. 从地狱结冰. 厚如砖块. 这列火车仍然运行. 铁皮人. 东京. 周二下午. 永远的下午. Tupelo Honey. 约翰叔叔的乐队. 不速之. 文图拉公路. 文森特. 繁星点点的夜晚. 警告. 当你说NNothing在所有. 你现在在哪里. 谁将会拯救你的灵魂. 磷火. 冬之歌. Wond'ring朗读. 精彩的备注. 想知道狮子是. 埃德蒙Fitzegerald的沉船. 你和蒙娜丽莎. 你能给我. 学习内容. 不插电. 你可以很容易. 你应该知道. 不插电. 你游戏人间. 你的笑脸. 你的歌. 你最狂野的梦想.