
活页乐谱 $19.99


Best Latin Songs Ever. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music. Intermediate.


最好的拉丁单曲曾经. 各个. 钢琴,声乐,吉他乐谱. 声音的乐谱. 吉他乐谱. 中间.


Best Latin Songs Ever composed by Various. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Piano. Vocal. Guitar Songbook. Latin. Difficulty. medium. Songbook. Vocal melody, piano accompaniment, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. 248 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.310355. ISBN 0793589347. With vocal melody, piano accompaniment, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. Latin. 9x12 inches. Over 60 songs, including Besame Mucho. Kiss Me Much. , The Girl from Ipanema, Malaguena and more. Adios. Mambo Jambo. Que Rico El Mambo. Tu Felicidad. Made For Each Other. Babalu. Inolvidable. Amor. Amor, Amor, Amor. Quizas, Quizas, Quizas. Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps. Always In My Heart. Siempre En Mi Corazon. Amapola. Pretty Little Poppy. Only Once In My Life. Solamente Una Vez. Anema E Core. With All My Heart. Aquellos Ojos Verdes. Green Eyes. Noche De Ronda. Be Mine Tonight. Besame Mucho. Kiss Me Much. Blame It On The Bossa Nova. Brazil. The Breeze And I. Cachita. Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White. Cu-Cu-Rru-Cu-Cu Paloma. Cuanto Le Gusta. Cumana. A Day In The Life Of A Fool. Manha De Carnaval. Slightly Out Of Tune. Desafinado. Dindi. Don't Cry For Me Argentina. El Cumbanchero. The End Of A Love Affair. Flamingo. The Fool On The Hill. Frenesi. The Girl From Ipanema. Garota De Ipanema. Granada. Guadalajara. Guantanamera. How Insensitive. Insensatez. I Get Ideas. It's Impossible. Somos Novios. Kiss Of Fire. Little Boat. O Barquinho. The Look Of Love. Love Me With All Your Heart. Cuando Calienta El Sol. Malaguena. Maria Elena. Mas Que Nada. Meditation. Meditacao. Miami Beach Rumba. More. Ti Guardero' Nel Cuore. Never On Sunday. One Note Samba. Samba De Uma Nota So. Our Language Of Love. The Peanut Vendor. El Manisero. Perfidia. Poinciana. Song Of The Tree. Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars. Corcovado. The Gift. Recado Bossa Nova. So Nice. Summer Samba. Spanish Eyes. Sway. Quien Sera. Tico Tico. Tico No Fuba. Time Was. Watch What Happens. What A Diff'rence A Day Made. Tres Palabras. Without You. Yellow Days. Mambo #5. The Constant Rain. Chove Chuva.


最佳拉丁歌有史以来的各种组成. 钢琴. 声音的. 吉他. 计划. 声音的. 吉他歌本. 拉丁. 困难. 中. 歌本. 声乐旋律,钢琴伴奏,歌词,和弦名称和吉他和弦图. 248页. 出版哈尔伦纳德. HL.310355. 国际标准书号0793589347. 与声乐旋律,钢琴伴奏,歌词,和弦名称和吉他和弦图. 拉丁. 9X12英寸. 超过60首歌曲,包括BESAME日Mucho. 亲吻了我很多. 来自伊帕内玛,Malaguena多的女孩. 再见. 曼波詹布. 阙波多黎各埃尔曼波. 你的幸福. 天生的一对其他. Babalu酒店. Inolvidable. 爱. 爱,爱,爱. Quizas,Quizas,Quizas. 或许,或许,或许. 永远在我心中. 永远在我心中. 罂粟. 漂亮的小罂粟. 只有一次在我的生活. 只有时间. ANEMA E型磁芯. 用我全部的心. 绿眼睛. 绿眼睛. Noche De Ronda. 是我今晚. BESAME日Mucho. 亲吻了我很多. 归咎的Bossa Nova. 巴西. 微风与我. Cachita. 樱桃粉红色和苹果花白色. 铜 - 铜 - RRU - 铜 - 铜帕洛玛. 勒古斯塔. 库马纳. 一天在傻瓜的生活. 曼哈德狂欢节. 稍微跑调. Desafinado. Dindi. 不要为我哭泣阿根廷. 萨尔瓦多Cumbanchero. 的一个恋爱故事的终结. 火烈鸟. 愚者在山上. Frenesi. 在来自Ipanema的女孩. Garota德伊帕内玛. 格拉纳达. 瓜达拉哈拉. Guantanamera. 如何不敏感. 无意义. 我获得灵感. 这是不可能的. 我们约会. 吻火. 小船. ØBarquinho. 查找爱. 爱我用你的心. 当太阳. Malaguena. 玛丽亚·埃莱娜. 马斯阙那耷. 冥想. Meditacao. 迈阿密海滩的伦巴. 更多. 你会看'在心中. 决不在星期天. 一注桑巴. 桑巴德乌玛诺塔所以. 我们对语言的热爱. 花生供应商. 萨尔瓦多Manisero. 背信弃义. 凤凰木. 宋树. 宁静的夜晚安静的明星. 驼子. 礼品. Recado波萨诺瓦. 所以尼斯. 夏季桑巴. 西班牙的眼睛. 摇摆. Quien血清. 天工天工. 天工无夫马. 时间. 看会发生什么. - 答Diff'rence一天制造. 三言. 如果没有你. 黄天. Мамбо. The Constant Rain. Chove Chuva.