
活页乐谱 $14.00


Pirates. Travis J. Weller. Grade 3.


盗. 特拉维斯J.韦勒. 三年级.


Pirates. composed by Travis J. Weller. For concert band. Concert Band. FJH Concert Band. Score only. Full set. score and parts. also available. B1411. Grade 3.5. Score only. Duration 6 minutes, 30 seconds. Published by The FJH Music Company Inc. FJ.B1411S. This highly programmatic work follows a group of pirates as they prepare to raid on the open seas, engage in a battle to plunder a British ship of its treasure, and retire to the safe haven of Tortuga. The three movements include Raising the Jolly Roger, False Colors. Sinking a British Galleon. , and Celebrating in Tortuga. The audience will hear the peg-leg of the captain as the music explores traditional melodies including God Save the Queen and What Would You Do with a Drunken Sailor. Fabulous writing filled with energy and excitement. Designed for high school groups and upper-level middle school groups. Independence is encouraged, but many lines are cross-cued. Usually includes an expanded percussion section. Grades 3 - 3.5.


盗. 特拉维斯J.韦勒组成. 对于乐队演唱会. 音乐会乐队. FJH音乐会乐队. 分数只. 全套. 得分和零件. 也可. B1411. 3.5级. 分数只. 持续6分30秒. 发布的FJH音乐企业公司. FJ.B1411S. 这种高度的方案工作如下一群海盗,他们准备袭击的公海,交锋掠夺它的宝藏的英国船只,并退给海龟的避风港. 这三个动作,包括提高了海盗旗,假色. 击沉一艘英国帆船. ,并在庆祝托尔图加. 观众将听到微屈队长为乐的探索传统的旋律,包括天佑女王和你会怎么做一个喝醉的水手. 神话般的写作充满了能量和兴奋. 专为高中组和上一级中学组. 独立性是鼓励的,但很多线是交叉线索. 通常包括一个扩展的皮鼓. 等级3 - 3.5.