
活页乐谱 $1.95


Love's Antiphon. Lloyd Alvin Pfautsch. A Cappella sheet music.


Love's Antiphon. 劳埃德阿尔文Pfautsch. 无伴奏合唱乐谱.


Love's Antiphon composed by Lloyd Alvin Pfautsch. For SATB choir. divisi. a cappella. Electa Series. Octavo. Published by Roger Dean Publishing. LO.15-1047. The men first serenade the women with a setting of oMy Love Is Like A Red, Red Rose," a text by Robert Burns. The women respond with a setting of oMy True Love Hath My Heart and I Have His," a poem by Sir Phillip Sydney. The sections then join in repeating what they have sung in augmentation resulting in a delightful eight-voice texture. This may be sung by an individual choir in divisi or by a women's and a men's chorus on a join concert. You can see this work in rehearsal on the video "In Search of Musical Excellence". product code 99. 1022. by Sally Herman.


Love's Antiphon composed by Lloyd Alvin Pfautsch. 对于SATB合唱团. divisi. 清唱. ELECTA系列. 第八. 发布时间由罗杰院长出版. LO.15-1047. The men first serenade the women with a setting of oMy Love Is Like A Red, Red Rose," a text by Robert Burns. The women respond with a setting of oMy True Love Hath My Heart and I Have His," a poem by Sir Phillip Sydney. The sections then join in repeating what they have sung in augmentation resulting in a delightful eight-voice texture. This may be sung by an individual choir in divisi or by a women's and a men's chorus on a join concert. You can see this work in rehearsal on the video "In Search of Musical Excellence". product code 99. 1022. by Sally Herman.