活页乐谱 $4.99
The Rain Song Sheet Music by Led Zeppelin.译文
雨歌曲乐谱由Led Zeppelin乐队.原文
Jimmy Page , Robert Anthony Plant. Led Zeppelin. Alfred Publishing Co.. 11. English. Solero. Piano. Vocal. Chords. It is the springtime of my loving, the second season I am to know. You are the sunlight in my growing, so little warmth I felt before.译文
吉米·佩奇,罗伯特·安东尼厂. 齐柏林飞船. 阿尔弗雷德出版公司. 11. 英语. 索莱罗. 计划. 声音的. 和弦. 这是我的爱好,第二个赛季,我知道春天. You are the sunlight in my growing, so little warmth I felt before.流行的搜索请求