活页乐谱 $6.30
Abracadabra Recorder Introduction. Sheet Music. Soprano. Descant. Recorder. DESC REC.译文
胡言乱语记录简介. 乐谱. 女高音. 解说. 录音机. DESC REC.原文
More tunes for the beginner on descant recorder can be found in Abracadabra Recorder Introduction. , a complimentary collection to book 1. Abracadabra Recorder Books 1-4 is the ideal repertoire series for descant recorders. Each book includes graded solo and multi-part songs and tunes starting with five-note tunes such as Shepherds' Hey and working up to more challenging classics such as You are my Sunshine and The Wombling Song. Clear fingering diagrams and notation explanations are given at each stage.译文
More tunes for the beginner on descant recorder can be found in Abracadabra Recorder Introduction. , a complimentary collection to book 1. 胡言乱语记录书1-4是理想的剧目系列解说录像机. 每本书包括分级独奏和多声部歌曲和旋律开始有五个音符曲调,如牧羊人'嘿,工作起来更有挑战性的经典,如你是我的阳光和Wombling歌. 明确指法图表和符号的解释在每个阶段中给出.流行的搜索请求