
歌词:John Kirkpatrick. The Song of the Weaver.

Once there was a weaver
A weaver like no other
On his loom he weaved a tune
A song of all creation
Woven with the thread of life
That all be joined as one

Weaving out a harmony to sound through all eternity
Sing the song for everyone and sing the song for me

I weave the garden of the Earth
My shuttle flies to give you birth
I twine the ground with glory
And embroider it with beauty
Spin the paths of paradise
And strew them all with joy

I twist the yarns of colour and light
To make my livery shining bright
Sing the song for everyone and sing the song for me

I weave a world of wonder
But you tear my work asunder
You trample on my labour
You rip my roots from under
You leave my land all threadbare
You take but don't repay

You hurl your weight around you
Your power and strength confound you
Sing the song for everyone and sing the song for me

Tread lightly as you wander
This is not yours to squander
Hear the hurt you're causing
As you crash and bang and rattle
See what lives you smother
As you lay your blanket down

You raid the earth for treasure
But never count the measure
Sing the song for everyone and sing the song for me

Hear the song the bee sings
Holding life between its wings
Takes the nectar from the flower
But leaves the flower still standing
Deals no death nor damage
Taking only what it needs

On its way it quietly goes
And pretty and sweet the garden grows
Sing the song for everyone and sing the song for me

A stitch upon my tapestry
I can slip you out and leave you be
For a few short steps along my path
My mantle I will lend you
Be careful how you carry it
Or your backs will all go bare

Feel the hurt and join the song
That we all may sing for ages long
Sing the song for everyone and sing the song for me

Oh, I twine the ground with glory
And embroider it with beauty
Spin the paths of paradise
And strew them all with joy

I twist the yarns of colour and light
To make my livery shining bright
Sing the song for everyone
Hear the song of the weaver
Sing the song for everyone and sing the song for me
John Kirkpatric