chief in his sights Blew the whale's brains out with a lead harpoon Last great American whale Last great American whale Last great American whale Last great American whale Well, Americans
it a wallet? This is your life It ain't no secret It ain't no secret The secret my friend You can get killed just for living in your American skin
"We've got to get better," I said, "It's all in your head." We could live through these letters or forget it all together See the months they don't matter
years since I was a young boy. I know in an instant I could lose everything I'm working toward. Chorus: though I fear we'll lose the war to the new American
we are, a rock band looking for new audiences Wherever we go, Coca-Cola's already been Americans abroad! Americans abroad! And I just can't help but
Wait, if you could only wait for me, I'd come around And take whatever light you'd shed, then we might come around Come what may, if we were kings for
a new American century? Are you going to? And it's a gut check of what you believe Will you stand up for democracy? Or a new American century? Endless
the new mandate Absolute and resolved One nation under one God Lack of interest has its price As we're stripped of all our rights The new American century The new American
Tonight, tonight, tonight Go! Tonight is ours Give me your passion Tonight is ours Give me your heart Tonight is ours Now and forever Tonight is ours
American noise Looking for the All American world The All American world Tell me what is it like? Is there enough for me? Al American All American All American Great Big American
great? Is there anyone who will say, "This is God's country?" Calling the new Americans, ready to make a stand Ready to take back the land Calling the new Americans
eyes are on you Show them you deserve it Because now that they all love yo And now that they all know your name You're a new kind of American saint But
fighting for? I know in an instant I could lose everything I'm working toward. [Chorus:] I know I'll win my battles though I fear we'll lose the war to the new American
New American Century? Are you going to... And it's a gut check of what you believe Will you stand up for democracy? or a New American Century? Endless
written by the day Don't do this - don't say that Your every move is logged and tracked By the all oppressive eye Spy satellites in friendly skies The new american
You've got to get better, said, it's all in your head, we could live through these letters or forget it altogether, see the months they dont matter
译文: 美国模拟集. 新青二期.
译文: 美国偶像. 一个全新的世界.