When the Sun draws to a close Night with Silence, sweet lonely silence beckon, compel us to leave this reality - pale face of the world- making us dreaming
Snow crunches under the feet,glittering in the moonlight Thoughts of You blacken me with solitude immortality Be the one of them, be embraced by you
My lonely cries I'm dying with the deepest wound in my heart Pain doesn't go away it stays with me forever Love died left me alone in your embrace Your
With the approaching of the night, with the setting of The Sun when The Dusk fills up the emptiness of the world with its Grace I invoke to you for help
A drawling wolf's howl broke a dreadful silence A settled fog over jagged crags spread everywhere with the black dead seed Screams of The Demons, Screams
look of disdain but death didn't know all these dark caresses and all thy strength that you possessed Thy Breath was granted to me with Thy Embraces
[NO WORD!] No word! Let pass your tiny lips Lassitude to cage has bedimmed An eve of feculent dark coven Bow over coffin you lament Your bitter tears
way, leaving me in a flood of emotions spluttered me with wild voluptious dance Illumining the sky with a crimson dawn And still drunk with dusk and your embrace
...Our darkful souls shall mingle our spirits unity but when our blood is joined as one We Can Never Die... When the Wind calling my name, lashing my