t move right Fight when you need to bite when you have to Run no never stand ground then we smash (Chorus) Prevail: Virtuoso piano solo play Mozart Vocabulary colorful like feathers of a peacock Operating
the next scene) A REHEARSAL FOR DON JUAN TRIUMPHANT (REYER supervises the learning of the new piece from the piano. Present are PIANGI, CHRISTINE, CARLOTTA, GlRY and CHORUS) CHORUS
the scenery) GIRLS' CHORUS With feasting and dancing and song, tonight in celebration we greet the victorious throng, returned to bring salvation! MEN'S CHORUS
my soul I had to listen, I had this real courage dream from the stage and the... to fade, I had to set the game of blaze and they... operate, I expect
t move right Fight when you need to bite when you have to Run no never stand ground when we smash through (Chorus) Prevail: Virtuoso piano solo play Mozart Vocabulary colorful like feathers of a peacock Operating