I hope your misrepresentation will wipe out human races with all viral syndromes created by your avidity you will suffer when your infected blood will condemn your
You, in this imagery You see people from various ranks dancing Consider what is human nature: nothing more than meat for worms I am the proof: myself
an enclosure with replicated brightness they have no access to exercise we turn them into machines they supply your entity feeding up your tummy to enlarge
Inquietude de conscience; un besoin fervent d'adhesion une envie de resolution; acceptation de verite la solution est declaree; des idees achetees a
by technology Noxious implants, inside your body Collagen lips, silicon tits Being thin is your main value Anorexic suicide caused by a mental illness Drowned by
Ce qui perdure depuis des siecles aujourd'hui, n'est pas sur le point de perire a jamais, l'humanite tournera en cercle sans chercher a comprendre le
hypnotized by the box Unwittingly addicted to his imperative need Succubus of mankind, ingesting your life Scene relative to action, Victimized by reality
Travailleur acharne poisson de la societe ardemment indigne faiblement recompense serviteur devoue in amplement remercie donateur subjugue fidelement
Pauvre petite creature que la nature a depourvu de force et d'ardeur qu'un seul leger murmure vous procure un sentiment de peine et de peur regardez-
charlatans Without social life, who are they? Characterless Disadvantaged by apprehension Start to conjure for your future I despise the icons