- If only to justify life. Live, I've lived a thousand lives; And anyone is the right, the just life. If I could cry, I'd cry for everyone. Doubts,
译文: 巨人温柔. 为大家惊魂.
everyone dies- If only to justify life Live, I've lived a thousand lives And anyone is the right, the just life If I could cry, I'd cry for everyone
for everyone. Hope, I've hoped two thousand years, but no one hears, so I've cried, crying vain tears. Always too late, too late to cry, cry for everyone
, experimental A beautiful man, though a touch so gentle A life so simple to spin on the axis to access the temple A beautiful mind A beautiful mind,
States Despite the modest success of his business, McClock leads a solitary life, never marrying and tending several of the chicken houses himself. A simple man with a