I was water Wishing they could sort it out See the garden lover Fighting on the freeway Quickly Undercover So anyone who never lost Are you ready
lover found it on the freeway admit the undercover so many won that never lost Are you ready 4 a change 2 come? theirs already 1 already 1 figure like
译文: Grinspoon. 准备工作1.
译文: Grinspoon. 准备好1(醉休息室版).
译文: Grinspoon. 准备好1(Jonboyrock混合).
译文: Grinspoon. 准备好1(演示).
new york picture show! it was a naked summer i left a vocal chord buried in glass houses the pretty pink i know lets the fashion quiver will you let
a lover found it on the freeway admit the undercover so many won that never lost Are you ready 4 a change 2 come? theirs already 1 already 1 figure