were through? Out of the blue, out of the blue, out of the blue Why didn't you just throw away my number? Out of the blue, out of the blue, out of the blue
, water under the bridge Long gone [Chorus:] Then you call Out of the Blue Like I still care about you Out of the Blue Like l can't live without you Out of the Blue
译文: 达里尔厅约翰奥茨. 出的蓝.
译文: 霍尔和奥茨. 出的蓝.
water under the bridge Long gone [Chorus:] Then you call Out of the Blue Like I still care about you Out of the Blue Like l can't live without you Out of the Blue
over, water under the bridge Long gone [Chorus:] Then you call Out of the Blue Like I still care about you Out of the Blue Like l can't live without you Out of the Blue