losing cause Government paranoia was soon abound Mafia propaganda was gaining ground Through violence and bribery Alcohol could be found By 1921 an increase of marijuana Was noted Cannabis Indica
Sa tahdoit jotain muuta ma olin valmis antamaan kaiken jos pystyisin hetkeksi tuskan poistamaan en silloin viela tiennyt kuinka paljon satuttaa kun osa
losing cause Government paranoia was soon abound Mafia propaganda was gaining ground Through violence and bribery... alcohol could be found By 1921 an increase of marijuana was noted Cannabis Indica
(Lilja?s Lament) . . . Strolling under harbor lights, Lilja reads a line ?Poor Tatiana? In another library, Rochester arrives Oh lord, he?s half-blind
There?s a place I don?t want you to know of Hidden deep in a blindfolded heart - Where the desperate walk in silence, Waiting for the ghosts to depart
(Scissor, Paper, Rock) . . I?m river and I?m stone I shiver but I know I?m young but oh so old . . Played scissor paper rock I?d run till I was caught
As if, as if As if it matters Innit, innit ?what happens, happens?? As if as if?s were enough Is it, is it a fit of angst we see Is it a bit the fear
Hear the night toll in my breath The cold lights dance overhead Here the lake stares with dark eyes Trees are their lashes of ice See the star?s glare
Sorrow?s sound, it swirls all about you Dry fallen leaves that rise like a cloud Time is a torch in a field of lost faces Kissed by the mist, you kneel
Road's getting narrow, with snakes in the shadow And the shade where you sleep is formed by the gallows Where a man with an arrow was hung by the shallow
(In Passing) . . . Little sister, Playing hide and seek Even though mama told you I?m really gone If you miss me Sneak a peek at my diary Or read the
(A Way Away) I found a way away ? and sailed beyond the waves of pain No Jonah in my sea, no whale to hide inside these days I?ve lost my sky Feels I
Kaveleeko kenkas vaikka jalat jarruttaa Kohti kylmaa kylaa jossa vapaus vallan saa Aavehuudot korviin kaikuu, pyytaa seuraamaan Uskallatko nousta kohti
Olisiko minun pitanyt ottaa vakuutus Kaiken varalta Olisitko ehka onnellisempi Jos voisit matkustaa ulkomaille Niilla rahoilla Jos valoissa kaadun Enka
mun vuodet vahenee ne ilmaan ohenee kuin savu taivaaseen mun jalkeeni ei jaa kai mitaan kestavaa pois kaikki haviaa ma hiekkalinnan teen se vaipuu paikoilleen
Tie oli kummallinen Valon nain varjoissa sen Taipuivat puut kumaraan Puhuivat, kuiskaili maa Nain oli jo aamuyo Kun himmeni tahtien vyo Lahtea tahtonut
Anna olla Aio en Nousta vastaan Vaikenen Vain katselen kun menet pois Vain katselen Anna olla Aio en Vieda muilta Vaikenen Vain katselen kun menet
Pyromaani paivakirjaansa enaa kirjoittaa Se on turhaa, kun sivut myohemmin poltetaan Vaikka tahtoisi, ei koskaan han pysty muuttumaan Kun ei mitaan tilalle