that half horse as he murders my thoughts with the fragments of flames anyway Halfman, halfhorse as he rides on a flame in the sky Foooour hoooorse meeeen tweeeentyyy Klaxons
: Your name's not down you're not coming in Your name's not down you're not coming in Not tonight, no not tonight Your name's not down you're not coming
: Good thieves of burning cars encirle poisoned rivers minds and hearts Horses want to dance but find their wings are damaged, water damaged Gold is
: Come on with me through ruined LiPGLOCK Accross Tangian deserts we'll FLOck MADcap Medusa Flank my Foghorn We'll change four seasons with our first
: Good thieves of burning cars encirle poisend rivers minds and hearts. Horses want to dance but find their wings are damaged : water damaged Gold is
Good thieves of burning cars encirle poisend rivers minds and hearts. Horses want to dance but find their wings are damaged : water damaged Gold is selling
Come on with me through ruined LiPGLOCK Accross Tangian deserts we'll FLOck MADcap Medusa Flank my Foghorn We'll change four seasons with our first
Good thieves of burning cars encirle poisoned rivers minds and hearts Horses want to dance but find their wings are damaged, water damaged Gold is selling
Your name's not down you're not coming in Your name's not down you're not coming in Not tonight, no not tonight Your name's not down you're not coming