line while I collect my victory try and take what?s mine and I?ll make your life a misery L ? U ? C ? Y L ? O ? V ? E
Oh yeah, yeah Uno, dos, tres, quattro Where is the middle, is the middle of your mind? Is it the place where you stop, where you just stop trying? Call
set raise my shirt show that tat up on my back [Chorus 1] [Hurricane Chris:] Well its the H to tha U double R I C-A-N to tha E Get em up, Get em up,
raise a C H I L D Broke my heart when you didn't wanna be with me And all this time I was a fool in L O V E Why, why would you make me feel this way
Clear the rhythm A B C D E F G, H I J K L M N O P Q R S, T U V, W X Y Z Now I know my ABC's, next time won't you sing with me? "Go on, laugh, make
-E double L for me I wish that we could stop this D-I-V-O-R-C-E Watch him smile he thinks it's Christmas or his fifth birthday Cause he thinks C-U-S-T-O
Like T-O-Y or maybe, S-U-R-P-R-I-S-E But the words we're hiding from him, now Tear the heart right out of me Our D-I-V-O-R-C-E becomes final today
S-O-U-T-H yeah Parkway, don't play damn damn day Get your shit straight test us and we test you shit All us, all y'all too, it's on shit L-Y-C in
money didn't want'cha, Imitatin' u.n.l.v., I wonder which one of you muthafuckas wanted to be like me, The capital t, e, c, from the mighty one, two,
intro [e-40]) Uh, uh, hah! Alright, mystikal, (bitch! hombre!) mystikal. Alright nigga, this e four o. Huh, e four o, e four o, huh. Finna get it crankin
robotic monkey Who's going to take over the world S is for stinky T is for turd U is for uh, oh V is for flying V W is for wee wee X is for exactomundo Y
- shockingly spoiled T - throwing tantrums U - usually upside down V - very vain W - wearing wigs X - x-ing x's Y - yackety-yacking Z - zippity zound
eyes M, N, O, P, I could go on all day Q, R, S, T, alphabetically speaking, you're okay U made my life complete V means you're very sweet W, X, Y, Z
Background voices: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z! Alphabet jungle Alphabet jungle Alphabet jungle Let me
! Narrator: But as soon as his hook hit the sea, he caught L, M, N, O and P and a Q, R, S, T and a U and a V and a W, X, Y and Z. [Boy throws letters
! L! M-N-O!!! Nebbish: Really, sir, I wish you'd go. Big Man: P! Q! R-S-T!!! Nebbish: Why do you keep bugging me? Big Man: U! V! W-X-Y!!! Nebbish
A alligator B bayou C cyprus trees D dew E for everything like F ferns G grass H home to you I insects J juniper K kelp L log M is the moon N noontime O
: "Ernie......" Ernie: ".......L, M, N, O...................P" Bert: "Oh, Ernie!" (shaking his head) Ernie: "Now comes the action part! (reads excitedly) "Q! R, S! T! U, V