sounds sordid but you'll be rewarded When at last I am given my dues! And injustice deliciously squared Be prepared! Yeah! Be prepared, we'll be prepared
But we're talking kings and successions Even you can't be caught unawares So prepare for a chance of a lifetime Be prepared
译文: 狮子王配乐. 做好准备.
They wanna live my life They wanna walk in my shoes They have no idea All my life I've always been told You gotta be prepared 'cause the world is so
better be prepared The nightmare shall be over now There's nothing more to fear Come join in our singing And dance with us now The nightmare shall be
head off the axis, the rhyme facious Silencer on the tech-nine shot got your pillow wet All your bitch say was the black silhouette Of the dark Ninja, Lion King
cats Verse 3: la When I'm lifted Rip shit up kid quick I'm busted On any demon puffing hizo can't be trusted Lustic lyrical blunts be like mud Darkman the king
goes. ROBOT: Foolish humans, that won't work. We'll get you both, prepare to hurt. Your blood will drip, your blood will spurt and you'll be six
I offered her a drink instead she took a cup of tea And then I lied about my luxury lifestyle I said 'So who you be? You looking kind of tight, gal I
offered her a drink instead she took a cup of tea And then I lied about my luxury lifestyle And I said, "So who you be? You looking kind of tight, gal
tryna be a good daddy I was there when she was born and she'll be there when I'm buried Kind o' waitin' is scary, all my years have prepared me What
King Cole, my shit is gold I hold a pole of polarity, like a wand and fondle phrases Ages, before you ever heard a lion roar My minions were preparing
I offered her a drink instead she took a cup of tea And then I lied about my luxury lifestyle I said "So who you be? You looking kind of tight, gal I
ah right to look upon You give all the strength, alow men to stand and say I pray tho the Holy one The only... King of kings and Lord of lords Conqueroring lion
his baby bag I always make sure his seat's well strapped in My baby's security is important Groceries, pay some bills, visit grandma But I gotta be sure to make it back by 4 o'clock So I can prepare
clear When day and dream unite The end is near You better be prepared Nah ahahaahahahaaa! (Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah-nah-nah naaaaah) The nightmare shall be
Khaled] They wanna live my life They wanna walk in my shoes They have no idea [Hook: Akon] All my life I've always been told You gotta be prepared 'cause