The boy had a way with words, he sang, he moved with grace He entertained so naturally, no gesture out of place His road in life was clearly ddrawn, he
The boy had a way with words, he sang, he moved with grace He entertained so naturally, no gesture out of place His road in life was clearly drawn, he
The boy had a way with words, he sang, he moved with grace He entertained so naturally, no gesture out of place His road in life was clearly ddrawn,
译文: 水星,弗雷迪. 金童.
: The boy had a way with words, he sang, he moved with grace He entertained so naturally, no gesture out of place His road in life was clearly ddrawn
The boy had a way with words, he sang, he moved with grace He entertained so naturally, no gesture out of place His road in life was clearly ddrawn