Dream, chasing You followed the sun across Mountains and oceans and cities And small towns Stopped in, some place They're glad they've met you Their
译文: 的剧照. 在结束.
The grey clouds have departed The stars light up the night Now I can see through darkness The rivers shine with life I?ve waded through the waters My
we're still lost, yeah, we're still lost But we're still lost, we're still lost But we're still lost, yeah, we're still lost But we're still lost, we
you have the key give Pete the money then you can practice free it's icey cold in Peter's place but don't switch on the heater coz you'll end up putting
I?ll keep my faith alive Cause this is paradise or parricide I can?t believe this sight Streets full of blank faces and junky eyes The streets won?t sleep
I waited for the smoke to fill my lungs and suffocate my pain away So I say goodbye and I just say, so long Almost feeling paralyzed, my still life
You can have it all, I ain't got the heart to fight, no. Total exhaustion, complete breakdown. For that's all I am, apologies in full, please leave me
What a spoiled boy I've been My mouth full, mess, my arms outstretched I've got palm sweat, I'm smiling like I'm competition Well, maybe I'm yours She
Es gibt Erinnerungen an dich, SchA¶n wie der Tod es ist. Und dort kann auch nur der Ort liegen, Wo der schmale Fluss der Wirklichkeit In das weite Meer
(Sie kommen dich zu finden!) Die Erkenntnis packt mich! Panisch jage ich durch das dichte Unterholz des dunklen Waldes. Keine Zeit, nach links oder
me what I need Don't tell me how I need to feel I feel goddamn nothing Dig the eyes out of my face And I can still see right fucking through you Fuck
I used to hate you with no reason why I was so angry, so full of pride Lost in opinions and innuendos I knew everything that you didn't know And I used
Deine Worte gleiten in den Morgen In einen zarten rosa Schleier Der sich uber der Natur erhebt Verblassen sie und schweigen stille Nur die Sehnsucht meiner
Cuantas veces no te eh dicho que no me mires de esa forma entre risas o que lloras un suspiro a todas horas que no puedes decir la verdad tienes
You can have it all, I ain't got the heart to fight, no. Total exhaustion, complete breakdown. For the asshole I am, apologies in full, please leave me