Fiume senza sorgente come un?onda a scivolare Segnali per cambiare lui li ascolta E cambiera Una voce ma parla per tante un istinto che non ferma
Sai ho imparato a non farmi domande se so gia le risposte No, ho perso la festa ai sacchi d?oro e d?argento di un principe all?asta Cammino su strade
Trasformarsi senza forma senza formule salto indietro ma riatterro qua Scelgo strade e pensieri e discorsi per sorprendermi frasi al contrario per
C?e una strana stanza che mi parla io ci vado apposta Lei mi conosce di vista non ha faccia o viso lei mi parla e basta Siedo qui fermo un?ora di
Strada Vuota nel silenzio quali passi ho immaginato? Non ricordo forse a un bivio capiro Le tue scelte le mie scelte io mi fermo ad aspettare stringo
Quattro mura e un tetto quello che si e detto sta qua trovo in frigo scalzo un?alba che colore non ha Giorno senza accento per la pubblicita provo
Ascolta la fragilita di parole che si perdono Penombra di visi a meta sotto ridono e su ti gelano E tu sei li che attendi impassibile vigorosi fendenti
: Don't get me started on the things that I've been hearing. You have forgotten the face of your father and now you have been disgraced. You say I got
: Look into my eyes I am the one who you despise Cause I exposed your lies And it's my turn to watch you burn (to watch you burn) I hope you choke On
: [Screaming:] So you think you can do better I'm not good enough for you I'm not seen enough for you I'm not anything I don't scream enough for you
: Spun out in another bathroom stall I tried to read all the writing on the wall It would help if I could just see straight I better make last call before
: Take a breath Look around You can see how it's all coming down Close your eyes Just give in Divided we fall but together we win I don't know if I
: I thought I knew it all It doesn't matter, if you believe me or not Our hope is shattered And any chance at love is shot I'll take this sign to Try
Shadows drift in silence as moonlight floods the floor Highlights corpses strewn in gutters once more The sickening sound of screaming echoes through
It'll never be the same But I have a feeling it will be okay Letting minds wander aimlessly The size of a dream can make one seem Way to proud, way to
I see people all around me sad and frustrated looks and faces surrounding me living every day like any other too afraid of calling out for a different
A brand new song another blank sheet of paper So many things left I need to write down and express About this loss that I can?t accept about these haunting
Walking down this street going back home coming back from the studio the night is falling a couple of old people slowly walking suddenly she?s falling