"Behold a jocund morn indeed! - Sun on high - birds in sky. Yonder the whist firth eathing, Fro where a gale erranteth." "Ye beholdest but the shadow
[Joy Division Cover] Here are the young men, a weight on their shoulders Here are the young men, well where have they been? We knocked on the doors of
Twit me, I am thy tyke; Meekness for thee aught. Wark aptly my drear, Yerk me to weal daut', Sweven nor Muse Wad taw me to this ruddy hue - Skelp me
[only on Japanese Edition] Twit me, I am thy tyke; Meekness for thee aught. Yerk me to weal daut', Sweven nor Muse Wad taw me to this ruddy hue - Wark
译文: 剧院的悲剧. 泼妇.
: Twit me, I am thy tyke; Meekness for thee aught. Yerk me to weal daut', Sweven nor Muse Wad taw me to this ruddy hue - Wark aptly my drear, 'Hesting
: [only on Japanese Edition] Twit me, I am thy tyke; Meekness for thee aught. Yerk me to weal daut', Sweven nor Muse Wad taw me to this ruddy hue -
Twit me, I am thy tyke; Meekness for thee aught. Yerk me to weal daut', Sweven nor Muse Wad taw me to this ruddy hue - Wark aptly my drear, 'Hesting