Belli voces cum mortis campanis resonabant Ulciscendi cupiditas corpora et animos incendit "But destiny had already crowned his man: the Conqueror
Rex normannus strenue vicit But the cruel bloodshed Suum bellicum animum commovit Kyrie eleison Reigns the calm over Sentlach On the distressed
Dux britannicum fretus Transivit sine mora [William to the Fleet:] "Friends o' mine ,you must keep the rules Until the end of time" Et litora attincta sunt Sunrise on Hastings
Audacibus erunt potestas et gloria Vivent semper Domino credunt Domino confidunt Omnibus cum viribus Ira caeli descendet in acies et in gladios Veniet
Traduntur viri duo et eorum exercitus congressi esse in radicibus Hastings illa pugna cessit mire hodie questuus militum resonant in illis locis sacris
Crowned in January of 1066 (ten sixty six) Harold was set as king Formidable warrior, a braveheart he is William from Normandy Now the times are
TARDA [Ivo of Ponthieu:] "I'll take his life" he said to king "and this sacrifice will be my honest gift to thy kingdom" Like a rumble of thunder
of these men'swords a grand day of blood Scream of Taillefer Against the shield wall Hundreds of steel warriors Fighting for thy kingdom They are
Riding to Hastings, Treading the stone Wretched of forces for the last war Harold arrived in time To stop the enemy's ride Near to defeat, he should
God have guided my sword towards the final victory My men are on their way to Bridge of Spears My God be pity and answer to thy servant's final plea