Two skeletons embrace Atop a human brain Revolving sunset glare Frosts the folds They stretch across the wrinkles Like a nude Marilyn Monroe Clatter
Pinball in the pocket Fate is not our own Something has to switch the machine on Drop a quarter in You're popped up from below Outside the glass
Something's growing inside me Burning deep under my skin Swollen with nowhere to go Infection must be drained All I do is touch it And sets off
Good grooming requires Time honored methods Of ritual humiliation and torture Wanna play with the big boys? Ya gotta be mean And bow to the Masonic fez
You know what they say " 'bout picking up a stray" It could turn out to be swine flu Dumped by the road Why don't you take me home And you have
The meathook of Randall Terry Plowed up my rectum Agh! The snout of Jesse Helms Fouling everything I read Agh! Gored by the PMRC Parental advisory
The man with the corkscrew eyes Sees through walls Sees through lies Always knows Who's using who Who not to trust And what they'll do He alone
Hear me now Hear me plea I've led a pretty good life No time To dwell On why it's gotta end this way My head throbs My bowels burn Bedsore
"Take me back or I'll drown our dog." Love those headlines Love those headlines "CIA is breeding slaves" Need those headlines Crave those headlines