'll find me Somewhere, over the rainbow, bluebirds fly Birds fly over the rainbow, why then, oh, why can't I? If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow
find me. Somewhere, over the rainbow, bluebirds fly. Birds fly over the rainbow, Why then - oh, why can't I? If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow
ll find me. Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly Birds fly over the rainbow Why then, oh why can't I? If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow
译文: 而奥兹配乐向导. 在彩虹[茱蒂嘉兰].
译文: 绿野仙踪. 在彩虹.
译文: 绿野仙踪. 某处在彩虹.
's where youA'll find me somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly birds fly over the rainbow why then, oh why canA't i ? somewhere over the rainbow
'll find me. Somewhere over the rainbow Bluebirds fly. Birds fly over the rainbow. Why then, oh why can't I? If happy little bluebirds fly Beyond the rainbow
you'll find me. Somewhere over the rainbow Bluebirds fly. Birds fly over the rainbow. Why then, oh why can't I? If happy little bluebirds fly Beyond the rainbow