译文: Any suggestion that these were intended as Anglican anthems is probably refuted by an examination of the textual sources. 和6.
译文: 查尔斯·H·吉芬. 清唱. MacKillop Meter. 88.
译文: Mozart's Regina Coeli , K. 276, is a Marian antiphon, a type of liturgical chant common in the Gregorian repertory.
译文: version of this work. A three voice version, created due to several requests, is also available at CPDL..
译文: This is a Mass in honour of Our Lady of Aglona – the biggest Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Latvia. 器官. 语.
译文: 安德里斯Solims. 危害. 无伴奏合唱. 神圣的,行吟. 语. Latvian.
译文: Holy Mary Mother of God is a beautiful prayer written by Pope Benedict XVI as a conclusion to his Encyclical Deus Amor est. 语.
译文: SANCTA玛丽亚,succurre miseris. Luca Marenzio. 无伴奏合唱. 神圣,经文歌. 语. Latin. SATB. 这经文歌,对圣玛丽重大奉献的书面盛宴. 虽然适合所有玛丽安节日.
译文: 无伴奏合唱. 神圣,经文歌. 语. 原始文本和翻译. 原文和翻译可以在下面找到.
译文: 大道马里斯斯特拉. 托马斯Stoltzer. 无伴奏合唱. 神圣,经文歌,办公室的赞歌. 语. Latin. ATBB. 原始文本和翻译.
译文: Recordare处女座母校. It is based on an offertory sung at feasts of the Virgin Mary. The offertory is in Mode I. 若斯坎德普雷. 语.
译文: Hodie玛利亚处女座. 无伴奏合唱. 圣,尊为对唱升天第二晚祷. 语. SATB. 原始文本和翻译. 原文和翻译可以在下面找到.
译文: SATB , with sections for Choral ATB soli & Choral SS soli. Charpentier calls for additional instrumental interludes. 乐队. 语.
译文: Moreover, in that way we get united with his human side which is close to us and which we understand the best. 布鲁诺Vlahek.
译文: The popular song by Mary Donnelly and George L.O. Strid, arranged for two-part choir. 乐谱. 2部分合唱团,钢琴伴奏. PFA. 玛丽·唐纳利.
译文: 这片土地是你的土地. 彼得,保罗. 和弦,歌词,旋律.
译文: 这就是爱. 玛丽蔡平卡彭特的声音,钢琴或吉他.