译文: 斯塔西ORRICO. Stacie Orrico's music combines an irresistible blend of modern pop, R&B, and rock with substantive lyrical content.
译文: 还有得是. 更多的生命. 声音的乐谱. 吉他乐谱. 钢琴乐谱. 还有得是. 更多的生命被斯塔西ORRICO. 对于钢琴,声乐和吉他. 只有和弦.
译文: 还有得是. There's gotta be more to life than chasin' down every temporary high to satisfy me.
译文: 还有得是. Harvey Mason Jr. , Damon Thomas , Sabelle Breer. 斯泰西喜悦Orrico. 哈尔伦纳德. 遗产. 计划. 声音的. 和弦.