译文: 丹尼尔Brewbaker. This emotional showstopper calls for the full range of a woman's voice and mature emotions. 乐谱. 打击乐器. 钢琴伴奏.
译文: 鲍勃·荣韶. 抓住一个流火. 乐谱.
译文: 古斯塔夫·霍尔斯特. The Princess was also the source material for Gilbert and Sullivan’s Princess Ida.. 蝶舞瀑布的SSA. 乐谱. CHOIR.
译文: In the Shelley poem it becomes ‘‘Come soon’’. evening begins to approach at the end of the Barns poem.
译文: 儒勒·马斯奈. In his absence, she is escorted to the local ball by a young visiting poet, Werther.
译文: 朱迪思·威尔. Like to the Falling of a Star.
译文: 博霍尔顿. 第一场雪. 乐谱. 合唱的. CHOIR.
译文: 乔治·克林顿. 书.
译文: 彼得·迪金森. 庆祝活动三重奏. 乐谱. 单簧管. 小提琴. 钢琴伴奏. CLT. VLN. PFA. 彼得·迪金森.
译文: 珀尔·纳尔戈尔. Please notice that Per Nørgård wrote 2 programme notes for the work. In FOUR OBSERVATIONS the hommage is to Bartok.
译文: 儒勒·马斯奈. 维特. 歌剧和钢琴. 乐谱. 计划. PV. MLC. SCORE. 儒勒·马斯奈. 它在音乐儒勒·马斯内组成,维特是在20世纪初成为著名抒情剧.