译文: 图片在Czechxhibition,Opp.75-119. 分数. 桑托斯,路易吉·塔索.
译文: 完整的分数. 幸福的一对,G.181. 分数. 格尔森,格奥尔格.
译文: 完整的分数. 誊清. 幸福的一对,G.181. 分数. 格尔森,格奥尔格.
译文: 雕刻文件. MUP,TeX的,QuikScript,与Perl和Shell,脚本. 幸福的一对,G.181. 分数. 格尔森,格奥尔格.
译文: Ronnlee莫里斯. Ř. 3备份和声. 低音吉他. 低音声乐. 鼓. 电吉他. 主唱. 计划. 铃鼓.
译文: 乐队. 他义蓬.
译文: 计划. 串. 声音. 打击乐器. 喇叭. 双簧管. 长笛. 其它木管乐器. 器官. 吉他.
译文: 尊三. The coloured couples semibreves-minima as well as the section with a leading "3" are in "proportio sesquialtera".
译文: Mozart's Regina Coeli , K. 276, is a Marian antiphon, a type of liturgical chant common in the Gregorian repertory.
译文: the Hoi Ping Road mentioned in the song. , and talking to one of the stallholders there. " at the end.
译文: to include Venus and Cupid, rather than the more usual names of the wedding couple. 汉斯·哈斯勒狮子座. 无伴奏合唱. 神圣,经文歌. 语. Latin.
译文: the New Josquin Edition regards it as Josquin's work, at any rate. It is notable for a couple of things. 若斯坎德普雷. 无伴奏合唱. 语言.
译文: Intended to be sung with the Magnificat Tertii Toni "Et Exultavit" at Evensong. of bars being added to the Soprano. 圣克里斯托莫拉莱斯.
译文: 尼尔Hefti. 从奇怪的夫妇主题. 电子乐谱.
译文: 尼尔Hefti. 奇怪的夫妇. 电子乐谱.