译文: 序曲F中. III, Tenor I, Tenor II, Tenor III, Tuba, Timpani, Percussion. 雨果Weisgall. 降B大调小号乐谱. 单簧管乐谱. 英语角乐谱. 锣鼓乐谱. 短笛乐谱.
译文: 旅程和庆典. 保罗·哈特. 降B大调小号乐谱. 短号乐谱. 五年级. 旅程,庆祝由保罗·哈特组成. 由Geoffrey品牌排列. 对于乐队演唱会. 短笛,长笛1,2长笛,双簧管1.
译文: 起泡葡萄酒. For Piccolo, Flute, Oboe, English Horn, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Bassoon, Contra Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet.
译文: 旅程和庆典. 保罗·哈特. 降B大调小号乐谱. 短号乐谱. 五年级. 旅程,庆祝由保罗·哈特组成. 对于乐队演唱会. 短笛,长笛1,2长笛,双簧管1. 2,降E单簧管,降B调单簧管1,降B调单簧管2,降B调单簧管3,降E中音单簧管,降B低音单簧管,巴松管1. 2,中音萨克斯1.
译文: 亚历山德拉宫. A flow of lively ideas, succinct structure, and sureness of orchestration are all present in this grand work by Gordon Jacob.
译文: A Maritime Overture was written in 1944 and published in 1946. not trumpet. 约翰·爱尔兰. 五年级. 1879-1962.